Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Gabe

Really Gabe? 5? Can it be? I keep telling you to please stay just like you are forever and you just say "momma I wish I could but I have to keep growing up!" I guess you're right but I don't like it one bit! This year we had another pool party for you with your buddies and it was a blast! It was the night before your bday so on your actual bday we had a special bday dinner per your request... egg casserole and jelly toast, with ice cream for dessert... We gave you your gift which was a big boy bike... pictured here and I think it's safe to say you liked it! These are the things I love about you most right now... Your crazy hair when you wake up, your sweet smile when you see me first thing in the am, the way you call for me any time I'm not in sight (it also can sometimes get a little aggravating but deep down I love it)..., the way you stare in the mirror and make funny expressions, the way you tell me over and over how much you like something I make when you really like it, the way you raise your eyebrows up and down and up and down to make me laugh, the way you still suck your thumb and rub your ear when you're tired... btw, that is our resolution for this year of life, to say goodbye to that ole habit...The way you love Life cereal, cheese, and egg casserole... and yep folks that's about it! And of course, the way you cannot stand to be without your sidekick, Jayce... as much as you fight these days, you really do love each other... You are absolutely an entertainer, you love to be the center of attention and really love to imitate others and get a laugh from us! You love to dance and when you do your true colors show, you are DEFINITELY white! You are still my little singing boy and sing all throughout the day! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you Gabriel Taylor and cannot imagine our lives without you! I want to always remember you at this age and seriously would freeze you right here if I could! Although I look forward to seeing how you grow this year :) Mommy

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