Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Letter from Jayce's 7th Bday -3/31/12

Wow, I JUST realized how behind I really am... I had typed this bday letter to Jayce on his bday (good for me), but never got it onto the blog... so here it is and maybe one day I can catch up on my pics too :) March 31, 2012 Dear Jayce, You are seven today, and I CANNOT believe it! I know I say this every year, but I can remember you being born just as if it were yesterday… Wow, how God has blessed us with you. You are a natural born leader Jayce. You love to “lead” the other kids playing in the backyard, as I hear you so often say “Come on guys, let’s do this/that…” You have inherited this from your daddy! I pray every day that the Lord will use this skill in your life to glorify Him. One day you could do much for Him with this, if you are obedient . You are a tough little guy when it comes to the boys, but you have a very tender side to you. You love your mommy and in fact, 2 days ago, on your knees with the plush rose you picked out for me from Target a year ago, asked me to marry you. It was the sweetest thing ever! Also, while playing in the yard yesterday, you made me a cross with 2 limbs and a piece of tape and brought it to me beaming, “I have something for you momma…’I think both of these instances I cried those happy tears that I tell you mommy only cries when I’m super happy. Just recently Jayce, mommy has discovered your “love language.” There are days that we have struggled, many children do to remember who God designed to be in charge… the parents  I’ve tried many things with you to show you my love and hope you see God’s through me… and in return want to honor us as He commands. None has worked quite so well as spending simple quality time with you (no cell phone, no laundry, no distractions)… We have always spent lots of time together, but I’m talking about a daily period of undivided attention from mommy or daddy. This is a challenge with little brother around, but we have found ways to make it work and my how it does seem to make all the difference! When your needs for love are being met, you are a different child than when they’re not. Mommy is sorry that for years, I’ve missed that. But, it’s taken me a while to figure it out, and now I pray this is what continues to strengthen our relationship, as it’s a blessing to me just as much. Just this past week, we’ve had time on the back porch drinking root beer floats, spent time together eating a popsicle, went on a special date to Mellow Mushroom… Yes, all of these have involved food, as you do LOVE to eat! But the key is, special time where all my attention is on you. Your daddy just took you to a PC baseball game against Liberty where you and he had the whole day together! This seems to be what you love, and again we love these special times just as much! You are doing super in first grade and have made President’s List each 9 weeks, with all A’s! We are SO PROUD of you! You learn so quickly and are constantly teaching mommy things I did not know, or had forgotten since my school days  You are playing baseball and doing great! You hit the ball really well and are now playing catcher, which you seem to really enjoy! We love to watch you play and are SO proud of you! Jayce, a few days ago, you told me that there is a certain song you sing in school that makes you cry every time you sing it… it is “Amazing Grace.” We were singing it together and you told me that the part you cry each time is “I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” You asked me why, I said that I believe that Jesus is speaking to you and the Holy Spirit is working in your heart. I know the Lord is doing some amazing things in your life buddy, and how honored I am that he’s chosen me to be your mother! I pray for you each and every day, and as long as I have breath, I will continue  I love you sweet boy, and am honored the Lord chose me to have the awesome privilege to teach you about Him (Ephesians 3:14-20). Love, Mommy

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