Wow, it is so hard to believe that 12 wks have gone by since our 2nd little man arrived! I had to pull his little gown up to show you his little, or should I say not so little body these days! He is really filling out and I could just eat him up! I love chubby cheeks, and he sure does have those! And my what a long way his little tooth pick legs have come!
Jayce told me yesterday that he loves Gabe's "piggies" (this is what we call feet around here...) as I was sitting on the couch feeding Gabe and watching "scoobs" (Scooby Doo) with Jayce... i look down about 20 minutes later, and Jayce is holding Gabe's foot.. and had been ever since he said that, it was the sweetest thing...
We all love our little Gabe so much and are so thankful to have such a sweet, happy, "smiley," good sleeping little man! You are growing so fast! The only thing mommy wishes she could change about you is that you'd slow down! I am SO enjoying you this size, you are precious!
I thank God for giving us such a beautiful boy! We love you!
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