Dad, thank you for being such a super dad to us... More specifically... Gabe says thank you for playing with my big brother so mommy can feed me! Thank you for being the only one who can seem to figure out how to give me a bottle! Thanks for making me smile so big! Thanks for holding and rocking me and carrying me to bed! I love you so much!
Jayce says... thanks dad for being so much FUN! Thanks for letting me climb on your shoulders and playing golf and football and baseball and "tackle" with me! Thanks for riding me out to nanny's house to see the horsies! Thanks for taking me to the Florence Christian football games! Thanks for taking me to get a quarterback uniform! Thanks for carrying me to school! Thanks for sneaking me all the sugary treats when mommy's not looking! Thanks for playing the whistle game with me... (This is where Jay whistles a song, and Jay tries to guess what it is, the cutest thing... he'll say "yankee doodles????", twinkle twinkle??? And he has the most inquisitive tone in his voice... most of the time he gets it right!) Thanks for reading me cuddling and rocking me in your chair each night! Thanks for putting me to bed and reading me stories each night! Thanks for holding me when I have a boo boo and giving sugars that make it "all better now." Thank you so much most of all for spending so much time with me, I love my daddy!
all of us say thanks so much for working so hard for us so that mommy can stay home and watch us grow!
Mommy says thanks so much for being such a great dad to the boys and husband to me. We thank God for you each day!
Happy birthday Jay, we all love you so much, in case you cannot tell, and we hope you have a fantastic birthday! And, you are NOT old yet!
Griffin was a Sweet Pea too! We should of gotten them together and taken some pics! I love the pic of Gabe and that big smile with a stretch!
Happy Birthday Jay!
PS. The boys are adorable!
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