Aunt Lorrie has let us use her double stroller... which she is not able to use much b/c she has 2 SETS OF TWINS... all boys I might add... and it's hard to keep them contained long enough for her to use it! Anyhow, she let us try it out... Jayce, Gabe, and I went for our first walk around the neighborhood and they LOVED it! Gabe always loves to stroll, but Jayce had gotten a little impatient lately with not being able to move during a walk... but this was the answer... he LOVED it! (Hopefully that will last)... he liked looking back to check on his little bro and he liked telling me which way to go and barking back at all the dogs along the way...
I'm also putting a picture on here of our day at the park last week with Tara and Wallace... Jayce had a blast... and Gabe, well... he ate, watched the boys and slept, so I think he had fun too! There is one picture I love of Jayce and "Ms. Tara" helping Wallace walk... Jayce loves to "help Wallace walk" and you can see he is trying to get him to walk a little faster than he's probably ready for... practically pulling his arm off...
Speaking of eating... I've had a problem lately with not being able to get him to take a bottle... so we are really trying to practice this skill that he used to have down pat... not sure what happened... but at the park that day and then his cousin Joseph's bday party he would not take one and in several other public places... which makes life a little more challenging... The gym nursery tried yesterday for 30 minutes and he refused... but daddy was able to give him one right when he got home... Jay says it's all about the way you hold him... I think Jay just has that magic touch... the problem is, I need a sitter to have that touch! Hopefully we'll get him back to taking one well soon....It's a wonderful, yet sometimes suffocating feeling to know that I am providing ALL this baby's nutrition... It would be a much better feeling for him to be able to eat from a bottle sometimes when I need a little break! He is still nursing super well and we have moved to between a 3-4 hour schedule, 6 feedings a day...and he's pretty much cut out his late night feeding... which means Jay and I can get in bed by 9:30 or 10... and not get up till 7... SO NICE... we are working on moving his last feeding back each night and eventually to get him to going down around 8 or so...things are definitely getting easier and better with nursing... if we can just keep the infections away and get that bottle skill back!
I am attaching one other picture of Gabe smiling, that I couldn't get my camera to download the other day... it's a better smile than the last one, a FULL smile! He is so sweet and content...
Oh, on and on I go... but since I just do one entry a week or so, I have to get all caught last story for you all to laugh at me about... I told this at our girls night the other night and it reminded me I needed to post it on the blog... I'm going into TJ Maxx last week while Jayce was at mother's morningout... I pull out the stroller, put my diaper bag and bag of returns in the bottom part... and start b bopping into the store... wondering why I am getting such strange looks from all the "passerbys"... I get to the door and realize just how light my stroller feels today... I look down and NO GABE... he is still in the car, waiting for his scattered mommy to pull him out... The worst part, is walking back past all those people, loading their cars... to get my poor child out of the car... I just looked down and made NO eye contact! I wonder if I'll ever get this new exciting life down pat????
I LOVE your stories of life with two!!
That is too funny! I'm sure whoever was staring at you has done the same thing! Thanks for sharing!
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