We took the boys out to the county fair on Sunday and had a blast! We had tried to go that Friday morning, got all dressed and ready, Jay took off work, I skipped the gym, and we told Jayce we had a special treat for him... we get there, and they are closed until 3... what? I'm used to the state fair and they are ALWAYS open... anyhow, it was quite a dissapointment for us all, so we were so glad to get to go on Sunday... Jayce rode the pony, as you can see... he did great! He did not cry or get scared, he loved it! I was so proud of my little man! Then, Jay and I took turn riding the SLOWEST rides we could find, as neither of us do great with a whole lot of motion....Jayce loved looking at all the animals and as always, Gabe loved strolling and sleeping!
So last night, I had Jayce and Gabe by myself, as Jay had to head to Columbia.. so it had been a pretty long day... we are eating dinner, Jayce finishes up and says, "mommy, tank you for dinner!" with a big grin on his face... It made me smile so big! I was so impressed by his manners... I can remember my dad having to remind me to tell my mom that when I was in high school... and here my 2 year old says it to me with no prompting at all, he's so darn sweet!
Jayce is very proud of this pumpkin that he picked out!
Gabe slept his first night in his crib last night, we made the big move, and let him move upstairs for the night and he did super... slept 9:30 through until I woke him at 7 to eat... yea! He will be 12 weeks tomorrow, my how time has flown!
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