I am still so in love with both my boys! Jayce went to stay with Nanny again today, and to spend the night as mommy is still recovering... but before he left this morning... we were in the bathroom... he rubbed his little chin, and said, Mommy, I have a beard..." I said you have a beard? He said yes, mommy has a beard too? I said well, I don't THINK you have one and I certainly HOPE I DO NOT!
Then before leaving, he kissed me so sweetly and said "be careful mommy..." makes me melt every time! All over the weekend, as I was acting as if I was on my deathbed... Jayce would come in and give me "sugars" and then say..."mommy feels better?" And I could honestly reply yes, I feel better... b/c that somehow would always lift my spirits!
Today, I have had the best time hanging out solo with little Gabe... he is not used to all the attention and I'm not used to being able to give it to him, but I think we have both fully enjoyed our day with "just us!"
I am feeling better from mastitis, flu like stuff gone, but the pain is still really bad and I'm starting to get redness on the other side now too, which worries me... has anyone else experienced getting it on both sides? I am now on my 3rd day of antibiotics, so I'm hoping that if another infection is developing, the meds I'm already on will knock it out...and that I won't have to start all over with another infection... any comments or advice would be great !
I think they look alike too!
I wish I had advise for you on the mastitis but I only had it on one side. But If you are getting redness they say that is the first sign.
All they told me to do was to finish the antibiotic and to pump through it.
I do however think you should e-mail the lady on the medela website. She is great and there are a lot of moms that go through this I have visited her website on many occasions!
Yuck! Poor Christyn! I had it twice, both sides. No fun! Pump through it, get rest (if possible), call lactation specialist at McLeod (ask for Leigh. She rocks! Can't remember about taking pain meds, I think she told me a few were safe. Maybe the antibiotic you are on is not strong enough? I ended up with two different types. Hope you are feeling better soon!
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