So, Gabe is really getting a little personality! He has been talking up a storm, not quite as much as his big brother though... But, he is smiling and LAUGHING at the most simple things Jay, Jayce or I will do... just making faces or holding him in front of a mirror and leaning into it, he LOVES it, and just cackles! I LOVE that... I had forgotten how much fun it is when they FIRST start really interacting with you!
Jayce is always making me laugh... his newest funnies are... Today I was telling him that Christmas was right around the corner and we would go see Santa Claus and take a picture with him. Later he kept saying, where is Aunt Claussen and when we going to see her? He asks about her from time to time, but he was insisting upon seeing her soon... finally I figured it out when he started calling her Santa Claussen... it was too cute, and I'm afraid he's going to be really confused about the similarity in names!
So, one more mall story... I'm convinced the big man must want me to stay away from malls... We were going a bit stir crazy last week, staying away from school and the gym due to Jayce's cold... so I decided it was time for an outing Friday... I feed Gabe, right before leaving so we'd have at least 2 hours to work with at the mall... we get there, and I take Jayce to get his favorite chick filet and then I told him I needed to go a few places and then maybe we can ride the cars he likes to ride there... So I get into gymboree and Gabe wakes up and decides he's hungry about 1 1/2 hrs early... (come to find out, I'd been taking claritin d and it was suppressing my milk supply)... BUT, I had gotten NOTHING done, and after it took all morning to get us there, I was not going to leave... so I decided to let Jayce go on and ride the cars and TRY to give Gabe a bottle AGAIN... it failed, AGAIN>>> he refused, so I look around, and no one is sitting near me, so I sat down on a bench and covered up well, and decided to have my first public nursing experience, since life will be quite difficult for me if I don't do this from time to time... ANYHOW< things are going well, Jayce is happily entertaining himself on the cars without me having to insert money, and I am nursing Gabe fairly indescreetly (sp?) thinking that this is not so bad after all... when all the sudden here walks in a couple, and I know the man from the gym... and I think, maybe they won't see me... but they stop for her to go in Victoria's secret and he is in charge of watching their boys, and where do they play, but right beside Jayce on the cars... oh my goodness, quite embarrassing... but hey, he was probably a little embarrassed too with her going in that store! I know what that's about! anyhow, I continued to nurse away, and then I see Jayce making "that face" and I know he had too much lunch... So I wrap things up with Gabe because it looks bad...I'm thinking, yuck, public restrooms, but man, my car is on the other side of the mall, and I refuse to walk all the way out there, or go home, when I've still gotten NOTHING done... So, I look across and see a brand new Barnes and Noble and found NICE mall bathroom there, so we go in and I change him... head to toe... it was all over his clothes... thank goodness I had grabbed an extra change on my way out... I get him down from the table and wrap it up in a chikfilet bag... wash both of our hands like crazy, and as I'm walking out carrying the bag, it drops and busts all over the floor... still has leftover fries and yes, a lovely diaper... So, I clean that up, all the while trying to keep Jayce from touching the mess or anything else in the restroom, Gabe is crying... finally we get out of there and I am DETERMINED to get back to Gymboree... we make it in, and Jayce is begging me to sit in the little chairs there, and I say no, stay in the double stroller (b/c if he's out of the stroller, he runs through the store)... oh, and i forgot to mention we had already stopped by children's place, and while in the stroller, he had pulled sweaters off of shelves twice... so I know we have to be careful in these places, and I was determined to stand my ground... so he's whining, throws a fit... and after "that poor/ bad/ stupid" mom stares from nearly everyone in the store, eventually, I just decided it wasn't the fun day I had planned, and we headed home, but I was proud of myself for not giving into him... BOY THOUGH< that mall! I tell ya, my Jayce is the sweetest, funniest, but hard headed little boy! But, I LOVE every part of him...
I'll post pics soon, this computer is not cooperating tonight for that...