This past weekend, we kept 2 of Jayce's 6 cousins from Columbia.. Joseph and Caleb... We had traded weekends with my brother Dave and sister in law Shawna to give each of us a break, without having to ask the grandparents for help.. Jayce loves ALL his cousins and was so excited to see Joseph and Caleb arrive Friday night... So excited that he pretty much turned into a different child for the next 24 hours... He immediately went running through the house, pulling out every toy he owned... throwing balls (which we don't do inside, unless in the playroom), knocking things over... wild man on the loose... it was seriously like the child was on drugs... stimulants and not depressants... Anyhow, by that night, the boys were winding down and big boys were going to watch shrek 3 and have a sleepover in the playroom, so we decided that it sure would be nice to let Jayce fall asleep up there, rather than fighting him for an hour or longer to tear him away from them to go to bed... So, we did that, and the night went well, except for that he came down at 6:30 and said, "Hey, I'm gonna get in bed with you." And then he woke Gabe up too, so the 3 of us were up... Then, I'm sitting there feeding Gabe at the computer, and thinking Jayce was sitting on the couch in the den, when I hear LOUDLY over the monitor upstairs... Frosty the Snowman... and he was singing at the top of his lungs... So, down come the other 2 boys (who'd normally sleep till 9 or 10 on a Saturday), and we were all up by 7:30... long day it was... but we had a blast! I do think though that I am probably NOT cut out to be a mother of 4... Joseph and Caleb are SO EASY... but it was just having to feed 4, and be responsible for 4, and stop and change Gabe and Jayce and feed Gabe... and the list went on and on... Man... not sure I could do it... But if God had a different plan, I'm sure he'd help he handle it...
Anyhow, we all made a gingerbread train and I will post pictures of that soon.. the hardest part of that was trying to keep Jayce's mouth off of all the parts... Good thing we had help from his 2 older cousins...
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