Before I write this, let me first say that I absolutely love my job, staying home and raising my 2 sweet boys! I would not trade this for anything, and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to do this...But, for some reason lately I have been thinking alot about how different life has become in the past 3 years in my role as stay at home mom and I thought I would share a few with you... many of you can relate!
sleep is a most precious gift but it is apparently not necessary as many of the mothers in the world have done without it for years!
Yard sales will suddenly become very exciting rather than a hassle, with the thought of making even 50 dollars in spending money!
The girls at the gym will ask you what your big plans are for the day when they see ya wearing a pair of jeans, rather than spandex when you leave
After having children, in order to primp for the day or an evening out, you might have to allow your children to dig through your feminine product drawer and scatter them all about the house in order to apply your makeup... why are they so interested in these things? But, you let them have their fun if you're gonna get ready, knowing there will be time for clean up later and at least it's not the toilet bowl, right?
In order to clean up one area, such as the kitchen, be prepared for the living room to be totally destroyed as you do such...
pottying in private is a fond memory of the past... I never understand why my sweet hubby gets to shut the door, I never do!
The gym locker room will become a spa like environment as you're able to take a 5 minute shower in quiet without a child glued to the shower door and actually wash your hair, and dry it too if you cut the workout short!
And the hair... at most will be washed every OTHER day... and again, blow drying is an extra special treat!
Nap time is not spent lying on the couch eating bon bons but rather cleaning up the mess the children have made all morning long....except for today, I am on strike!
No lunch break, but rather, lunch is normally eaten while standing and you're lucky to get an actual sandwich, rather than the crusts of your child's pb and j!
I would drink as much caffeine in one day as I drank all week pre children... hey it really does help!
Sleeping past 7:20 on a Saturday morning is Heaven!
Your once clean car will become a bowl of cheerios, and at least 5 errands will ride around in your trunk as you wait for the magic moment when the kids are in a good mood for running errands! They will be there a year of more...
You will become a chatter box anytime you are at the gas station, grocery store or any public place where other people can speak adult language!
It IS A REAL JOB, ya just don't get paid!!!
Seeing your child's eyes light up when you or they walk into the room, hearing their infectious laugh, seeing them smile, or feeling their warm hug makes all this SO worth it!
Christyn, you couldn't be more RIGHT!! I love this post and it is always nice to know you aren't the only one feeling that way! I don't think I've dried my hair in a very long time either!
I love this post it is so true and I will expirence it with two soon!
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