As I was reading my other fun friend's mommy blogs, I realized it's time to do an update on Gabe again.... He is 18 months, so hard to believe this little guy is going to be 2 before long! Makes me so sad!
Here are his latest accomplishments: ALMOST got his first set of stitches... Gabe fell into the coffee table while I was at Target Saturday and Jay called me to come home, thinking it was pretty bad and we might have to hit the ER...Gabe seems to be a rather clumsy child, and I say that in the most loving way... He has gotten this from me... but he falls all the time... This time, there was alot of bleeding though... Thank God he was ok, and it cleared up... He now has a matching boo boo with his big brother... Jayce had gotten one 2 weeks earlier right above his eye after driving his new jeep into the swing set... boys, boys, boys...
Anyhow, for the GOOD accomplishments...
Gabe is talking so much more now... He will basically repeat any word that we ask him to say after us... He has added to his vocabulary:
"Side" (for outside)
"Peas" (for please)
Jayce and Bubby, love you, bye bye,mimi, mama, mommy, daddy are still frequent
Thank you
MINE (his favorite word to say these days... amazing how early this starts)
Still singing away,
Gabe loves for us to sing "I'm in the Lord's Army" and he will shout "Yes Sir!"
Loves the Barney Song (I love you, you love me, we're a happy family)
Jesus Loves Me
Happy Birthday to you is a definite favorite and
the alphabet song... he will get from a-g by himself and then hum...
Favorite activity: to find anything other than childproof toys(lamp, clock, noisemaker, humidifier, radio) with a cord on it and pull it out of the wall and drag it around the room as if it is a dog on a leash... looking for another outlet to plug it into... NOT GOOD, NOT SAFE, and he absolutely freaks out when I take it away... the fun begins! I'm gonna have to start cracking down on Baby Gabe...
He now does the cutest thing when Jay gets home from work... it used to be that Jayce ran to the door shouting "dad!", but now Gabe has joined him and he runs as fast as those fat legs will carry him to the door and shouts "da!"
In fact, anytime he hears the door open he does this, it's really sad when I'm just putting the trash out...
One thing I have noticed about Gabe is that he is not quite as affectionate with his hugs and kisses as of late... this makes me REALLY sad! You really have to work to get one... If we ask for sugars, he will shake his head and LOVES to play this game, makes us beg! ALTHOUGH, if Jayce asks for them, he will quickly give them to him and in fact he will wait for Jayce to come to the crib to give him night night sugars before he lays down for his nap, it's so sweet! He will say "MMMM-ah" meaning, give me a kiss Jayce!
PS Ate Brocoli last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took tips from my friend Molly and refused to give him anything else and after much MUCH screaming and kicking and many times of me telling Jayce not to sneak him his grapes, he finally conceded and had some brocolli, we shall try this again tonight...
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