It seems Jayce is growing up just as quickly as I just wrote about Gabe growing... what is up with these boys?!
Here are a few funny Jayce comments as of late:
He calls eye brows "eye growls."
If something seems stuck in his throat, he will say, "mommy it's spiky."
He loves to say "Does that make sense?" after many stories he tells me
"tank you mama." (Some things are just too cute to correct!)
He loves to call me and his daddy and Gabe names such as "banana split and poconut (for coconut) cookie." (don't know WHERE this comes from)
Jayce's favorite activity:
He loves to "take trips," imaginary trips...as I have mentioned in the past... However, he is now not only taking his back pack full of animals and his cup of water, he has to pack a few suitcases to go along..and he is not a light packer, which he gets from his mama! I'm attaching a picture of his last load of luggage.. which he hauled downstairs all by himself...as I showered...
In his suitcase I found 5 pairs of pajamas, a half a loaf of bread which I was about to lose my mind over, wondering where it was..., 3 yo baby yogurts for Gabe, a banana, pullups for nighttime, pampers for Gabe and a jacket for Gabe... Also, he had his tool box full of toys and as always his backpack of animals! The boy must be prepared, again gets that from me, poor fella! He said he, daddy, and Gabe were going camping and that I was not allowed to come because I would be afraid of the bears in the woods! I told him he was probably right...
Last thing, funny story...
As I was leaning over the other night, suffering from my cramps, Jayce asked what was wrong... I told him my tummy hurt because I had cramps... He said, "oh well, mama, I guess you can't get in the ocean anymore... I said why not? He said, "because the crabs got on you in the ocean and you have to stay away from them." crabs, cramps, sound similar... Jay said, I just hope he doesn't go around telling people his mommy has crabs... I hope this story does not offend anyone, I thought it was pretty funny!
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