So Gabriel is one week old today! That is so hard to believe... time has flown by! I'm starting to freak out a little knowing that my mom (mimi) will only be here one more week... yeikes! She sure has made this transition an easy one... He is still the most laid back baby EVER... we had our first little outing yesterday... We went to the mall for me to get some nursing supplies and to take Jayce for tcby and to see his favorite water fountain... However, we got there and the water fountain was gone, so much for that plan... but Jayce was ok with a little frozen yogurt and some cars and trucks he could ride on instead... thank goodness we had lots of quarters! Gabe did great, he got hungry as soon as we got in the store, so I spent 30 minutes in the dressing room fixing that, thank goodness it was the Motherhood store so they understood... after that, he slept the whole rest of the time, through all the oohs and ahhs...
Today, we went out again, crazy us... it was way too hot for that, and we'll be staying in tomorrow... BUT, I desperately needed a highlight job, as my roots seemed to have grown out 3 inches in the past week... so mom took Gabe to cvs, and Family dollar and the grocery, while Jayce was at motherhood and I had some me time at the hair dresser, it was so nice! Gabe did super and mom said he never made a peep, now that's my kind of shopper!
Sleeping is still going great, the past 2 nights he went down at 12 from his last night feeding and I woke him at 5 to eat again... it is so nice to get that much sleep, I just can't get over it, and I'm still able to nap in the afternoons while Jayce goes down too...
Jayce is still doing remarkably well, he greets Gabe each morning, by running into my room and saying, "Hey Gabe" ever so excitedly! Today, he held up his hand and said high five Gabe... and when he saw he was not responding, he said he'd give him "nucks" and settled for that instead...
We are starting to see a little delayed reaction of jealousy coming out... He has started deciding that he needs to "hold mama" when Gabe is nursing at times and this makes things challenging when I'm somewhere that I cannot comfortable hold both of them... but it is a good lesson for him to learn that he can't always get what he wants right away... it's hard for me to watch him cry through these episodes though, as I don't want him to feel replaced or left out... so I'm trying to give him lots of extra attention when I'm not busy with Gabe, and thank goodness Gabe is not very demanding at all... God knew what he was doing!
Anyhow, just wanted to update things before I forgot what all has occurred lately... we are having pictures made in our home tomorrow and I am very excited, hopefully things will go well! I'll post some if I'm able to... thanks for reading!
OH, these pictures are from our family visit on Sunday afternoon... I didn't get as many as I"d hoped but we had visits from Uncle Dave, Aunt Shawna, cousins Joseph and Caleb , and then Uncle Jason and Aunt Lorrie, and Jack and Jon (older twin cousins) and my cousin Jen and her fiance Jon... it was so nice of them all to come and we so enjoyed having company... Jayce especially!
What a sweet little family you all make. God really does know what you need. It is great that Gabe is so laid back! See you soon Amyp
Christyn, you are making it look SO easy!! We can't wait to meet him Tuesday!!
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