Well, today has been my first official day of having 2 children! To explain, mimi left last night... and until then, I had it pretty easy! Mimi cooked, cleaned, entertained Jayce, did laudry, let me nap, and whatever else my little heart desired for 3 weeks! Boy did she spoil me! We sure enjoyed having her here though... not because of that, but I just love spending time with her and with her being in Cola and us here, we don't get to do it often enough. It was so nice to have constant company each day... we love her so much!
Even still, today has been great, the Lord has really blessed us with such a good baby! He slept through the night for the 3rd night in a row last night! He had done this twice before but not consistently so this has been really nice! We're starting to get somewhat of a schedule down and I'm feeding him every 2 1/2 - 3 hrs on the dot, to be sure he gets lots in during the day... So far, my milk supply has been great, and he's really filling out and having lots of diapers, so we're just fine with him sleeping all night! Jayce slept until 9:45 this morning, and had been waking up earlier since Gabe came home (around 9) so this was an unexpected yet pleasant surprise! I was able to have coffee, breakfast and devotional, get in a light workout, shower, and feed Gabe by the time Jayce woke up! So, things were pretty good! I am thankful for that because I know most days will not run quite as smoothly! Anyhow, we are really enjoying both boys! Jayce is so cute with Gabe, and gets very concerned when he fusses, he starts out quietly saying, it's ok Gabe, then louder... THAT"S OK GABE... and as Gabe continues to cry, he yells, THAT"S OK GABE!!!!! He is determined to calm that baby down!
Jayce is surprising us each day with his vocabulary and new sayings! He is very into thank you and no thank you and you're welcome! I love it! Yesterday I sneezed and he said from the back seat, "God bless you mama!" It was adorable! He is starting to get better with his colors too, and gets lots of practice looking at football (Gamecock central) on the computer with daddy and naming the different colored jerseys.
I wanted to post a few pics of Gabe from yesterday, he is changing looks so fast, still looks JUST LIKE JAY, especially now b/c his curls are really springing out! Check him out! I told Jay he's his mini me!
Gabe is still doing great since coming home, no fever, and eating and sleeping great! We thank God so much for 2 healthy boys!
Pics are of a goodbye kiss from mimi and Gabe waking up this morning... we've had him sleep in the den in the moses basket the past 3 nights, so we don't here every sigh, but he's close enough and I don't have to run upstairs to get him if he wakes up...
He has changed so much! I love the curlz! He sounds like a dream come true! We will come and visit soon. Glad he is doing well. AmyP
Love the curls!
You are making the transition to family of four look way to easy!
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