Before I write this, let me first say that I absolutely love my job, staying home and raising my 2 sweet boys! I would not trade this for anything, and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to do this...But, for some reason lately I have been thinking alot about how different life has become in the past 3 years in my role as stay at home mom and I thought I would share a few with you... many of you can relate!
sleep is a most precious gift but it is apparently not necessary as many of the mothers in the world have done without it for years!
Yard sales will suddenly become very exciting rather than a hassle, with the thought of making even 50 dollars in spending money!
The girls at the gym will ask you what your big plans are for the day when they see ya wearing a pair of jeans, rather than spandex when you leave
After having children, in order to primp for the day or an evening out, you might have to allow your children to dig through your feminine product drawer and scatter them all about the house in order to apply your makeup... why are they so interested in these things? But, you let them have their fun if you're gonna get ready, knowing there will be time for clean up later and at least it's not the toilet bowl, right?
In order to clean up one area, such as the kitchen, be prepared for the living room to be totally destroyed as you do such...
pottying in private is a fond memory of the past... I never understand why my sweet hubby gets to shut the door, I never do!
The gym locker room will become a spa like environment as you're able to take a 5 minute shower in quiet without a child glued to the shower door and actually wash your hair, and dry it too if you cut the workout short!
And the hair... at most will be washed every OTHER day... and again, blow drying is an extra special treat!
Nap time is not spent lying on the couch eating bon bons but rather cleaning up the mess the children have made all morning long....except for today, I am on strike!
No lunch break, but rather, lunch is normally eaten while standing and you're lucky to get an actual sandwich, rather than the crusts of your child's pb and j!
I would drink as much caffeine in one day as I drank all week pre children... hey it really does help!
Sleeping past 7:20 on a Saturday morning is Heaven!
Your once clean car will become a bowl of cheerios, and at least 5 errands will ride around in your trunk as you wait for the magic moment when the kids are in a good mood for running errands! They will be there a year of more...
You will become a chatter box anytime you are at the gas station, grocery store or any public place where other people can speak adult language!
It IS A REAL JOB, ya just don't get paid!!!
Seeing your child's eyes light up when you or they walk into the room, hearing their infectious laugh, seeing them smile, or feeling their warm hug makes all this SO worth it!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Little Boy Jayce
Jayce is loving to dress himself now in case you can't tell here! If we are at home and not going anywhere too terribly important, I will usually comply. I'm just glad to have one less body to dress... The other night Nanny and Grandaddy picked he and Gabe up for dinner and he had on khaki cords, a blue/brown rugby, his yellow rain boots, and a pink clip on tie, for the special occassion... I could kick myself for not getting a picture! He was so proud...

It seems Jayce is growing up just as quickly as I just wrote about Gabe growing... what is up with these boys?!
Here are a few funny Jayce comments as of late:
He calls eye brows "eye growls."
If something seems stuck in his throat, he will say, "mommy it's spiky."
He loves to say "Does that make sense?" after many stories he tells me
"tank you mama." (Some things are just too cute to correct!)
He loves to call me and his daddy and Gabe names such as "banana split and poconut (for coconut) cookie." (don't know WHERE this comes from)
Jayce's favorite activity:
He loves to "take trips," imaginary I have mentioned in the past... However, he is now not only taking his back pack full of animals and his cup of water, he has to pack a few suitcases to go along..and he is not a light packer, which he gets from his mama! I'm attaching a picture of his last load of luggage.. which he hauled downstairs all by I showered...
In his suitcase I found 5 pairs of pajamas, a half a loaf of bread which I was about to lose my mind over, wondering where it was..., 3 yo baby yogurts for Gabe, a banana, pullups for nighttime, pampers for Gabe and a jacket for Gabe... Also, he had his tool box full of toys and as always his backpack of animals! The boy must be prepared, again gets that from me, poor fella! He said he, daddy, and Gabe were going camping and that I was not allowed to come because I would be afraid of the bears in the woods! I told him he was probably right...
Last thing, funny story...
As I was leaning over the other night, suffering from my cramps, Jayce asked what was wrong... I told him my tummy hurt because I had cramps... He said, "oh well, mama, I guess you can't get in the ocean anymore... I said why not? He said, "because the crabs got on you in the ocean and you have to stay away from them." crabs, cramps, sound similar... Jay said, I just hope he doesn't go around telling people his mommy has crabs... I hope this story does not offend anyone, I thought it was pretty funny!

It seems Jayce is growing up just as quickly as I just wrote about Gabe growing... what is up with these boys?!
Here are a few funny Jayce comments as of late:
He calls eye brows "eye growls."
If something seems stuck in his throat, he will say, "mommy it's spiky."
He loves to say "Does that make sense?" after many stories he tells me
"tank you mama." (Some things are just too cute to correct!)
He loves to call me and his daddy and Gabe names such as "banana split and poconut (for coconut) cookie." (don't know WHERE this comes from)
Jayce's favorite activity:
He loves to "take trips," imaginary I have mentioned in the past... However, he is now not only taking his back pack full of animals and his cup of water, he has to pack a few suitcases to go along..and he is not a light packer, which he gets from his mama! I'm attaching a picture of his last load of luggage.. which he hauled downstairs all by I showered...
In his suitcase I found 5 pairs of pajamas, a half a loaf of bread which I was about to lose my mind over, wondering where it was..., 3 yo baby yogurts for Gabe, a banana, pullups for nighttime, pampers for Gabe and a jacket for Gabe... Also, he had his tool box full of toys and as always his backpack of animals! The boy must be prepared, again gets that from me, poor fella! He said he, daddy, and Gabe were going camping and that I was not allowed to come because I would be afraid of the bears in the woods! I told him he was probably right...
Last thing, funny story...
As I was leaning over the other night, suffering from my cramps, Jayce asked what was wrong... I told him my tummy hurt because I had cramps... He said, "oh well, mama, I guess you can't get in the ocean anymore... I said why not? He said, "because the crabs got on you in the ocean and you have to stay away from them." crabs, cramps, sound similar... Jay said, I just hope he doesn't go around telling people his mommy has crabs... I hope this story does not offend anyone, I thought it was pretty funny!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It's Snowy!

Jayce walked downstairs today to peer out the window and said "It's so snowy outside mommy!" We got out for a while with the boys and had a great time! Jayce couldn't wait to make a snow angel... He's been practicing this for a year on our carpet, I think he saw this on Little Bear or something... Gabe and Jayce both liked eating the snow!

Friday, January 16, 2009
We finally have a nickname for Gabe that I think will stick and I love it! Over Christmas as I was singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," Gabe started to sing "Happy... Happy... Happy!" Since then, that is by far his favorite word and he walks around saying it all the time... And, since MOST OF THE TIME he is such, we decided this was a perfect name for him!
Lately I have been noticing MANY changes in baby Gabe... First of all, he is trying to no longer be baby Gabe, but trying to be just like his big brother! Gabe seems to be growing up so much faster than Jayce did and I know so much of that comes from watching his big brother... Here is what he is into lately...
Still loves to wrestle with Jayce and anyone who is close enough to him...He actually gets this feisty (spelling???) expression where he bites his lower lip when he is about to tackle someone... he's a tough little fella!
Climbing... I thought Jayce was a climber but Gabe has shown me I had it easy with Jayce... so far Gabe has climbed out of the tub and up the ladder on the swing set ( was still helping Jayce do this when we moved in when he was two)! He has also moved the stool to the stove and grabbed a cookie off cookie sheet on the stove top, and moved the stool to the desk and climbed on it to get on the computer...The boy is really a little monkey!
SINGING...He sings constantly... and it is truly amazing how well he carries a tune... You can always tell what he's trying to sing by the tune... maybe there is hope for someone in the family to be on American Idol! I keep telling Jay I want to audition and he told me I would be one of those poor people who go it alone, without any family there to support them... how sad is that! But I can't say I blame him... wish I could sing, but maybe Gabe!
He loves to call for Jayce and daddy when he wakes up in the morning!
He is doing pretty well with identifying his head, nose, ears and mouth...every now and then he will mix them up though...
Loves to try to put on his shoes!
He has added a few new words to his vocabulary such as: ball, mimi, now he says mommY instead of mama, "ma' am" for yes ma'am(with a little prompting of course)!
Picky eater... Again, I thought Jayce was picky, but Gabe is truly the pickiest child I have ever seen... It is almost as if he is scared to even taste things that he is not familiar with... He will start making a spitting noise when I hold something to his mouth and will close his mouth so I can't even get it in if he does not want it... His staples are: oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, bananas, really any fruit, sweet potatoes, granola bars, peanut butter on wheat crackers and if I'm lucky, sometimes on bread... and as always he still loves his smoothies... we are severely lacking in healthy non starchy veggies and protein..This week he did eat some green beans and I was SO excited about that... I have not been able to get any meat or cheese in him... so I try to keep peanut butter in him for protein... I am hoping things will get better soon with the eating... he ate EVERYTHING as a baby... now I cannot even pry his mouth open to get a bite in...
Lastly, Gabe thinks he has turned two although he is more than 6 months away! Gabe has already decided it's time to arch his back while screaming every time I try to buckle him in his car seat! He likes to throw himself down on the ground and roll around when he is mad about not getting something he wants... The good thing is that it passes quickly, if I just ignore it and walk away... it took me a while to learn this with Jayce... The other good thing is that I know from the first time around it is a phase and the good times are far outweighing the difficult at this point, so I am overall very proud of my baby Gabe (he is still this, no matter how he tries to act)!
Lately I have been noticing MANY changes in baby Gabe... First of all, he is trying to no longer be baby Gabe, but trying to be just like his big brother! Gabe seems to be growing up so much faster than Jayce did and I know so much of that comes from watching his big brother... Here is what he is into lately...
Still loves to wrestle with Jayce and anyone who is close enough to him...He actually gets this feisty (spelling???) expression where he bites his lower lip when he is about to tackle someone... he's a tough little fella!
Climbing... I thought Jayce was a climber but Gabe has shown me I had it easy with Jayce... so far Gabe has climbed out of the tub and up the ladder on the swing set ( was still helping Jayce do this when we moved in when he was two)! He has also moved the stool to the stove and grabbed a cookie off cookie sheet on the stove top, and moved the stool to the desk and climbed on it to get on the computer...The boy is really a little monkey!
SINGING...He sings constantly... and it is truly amazing how well he carries a tune... You can always tell what he's trying to sing by the tune... maybe there is hope for someone in the family to be on American Idol! I keep telling Jay I want to audition and he told me I would be one of those poor people who go it alone, without any family there to support them... how sad is that! But I can't say I blame him... wish I could sing, but maybe Gabe!
He loves to call for Jayce and daddy when he wakes up in the morning!
He is doing pretty well with identifying his head, nose, ears and mouth...every now and then he will mix them up though...
Loves to try to put on his shoes!
He has added a few new words to his vocabulary such as: ball, mimi, now he says mommY instead of mama, "ma' am" for yes ma'am(with a little prompting of course)!
Picky eater... Again, I thought Jayce was picky, but Gabe is truly the pickiest child I have ever seen... It is almost as if he is scared to even taste things that he is not familiar with... He will start making a spitting noise when I hold something to his mouth and will close his mouth so I can't even get it in if he does not want it... His staples are: oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, bananas, really any fruit, sweet potatoes, granola bars, peanut butter on wheat crackers and if I'm lucky, sometimes on bread... and as always he still loves his smoothies... we are severely lacking in healthy non starchy veggies and protein..This week he did eat some green beans and I was SO excited about that... I have not been able to get any meat or cheese in him... so I try to keep peanut butter in him for protein... I am hoping things will get better soon with the eating... he ate EVERYTHING as a baby... now I cannot even pry his mouth open to get a bite in...
Lastly, Gabe thinks he has turned two although he is more than 6 months away! Gabe has already decided it's time to arch his back while screaming every time I try to buckle him in his car seat! He likes to throw himself down on the ground and roll around when he is mad about not getting something he wants... The good thing is that it passes quickly, if I just ignore it and walk away... it took me a while to learn this with Jayce... The other good thing is that I know from the first time around it is a phase and the good times are far outweighing the difficult at this point, so I am overall very proud of my baby Gabe (he is still this, no matter how he tries to act)!
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