Monday, October 13, 2008

I am so thankful

I wanted to write an entry while it is still fresh on my mind... I might not make a lot of sense, as my sleep over the weekend severely was limited... Jay was out of town for his guys weekend... Thank goodness my sweet mom came to help and little did we know just how much she would be helping when she planned to come...

Gabe started with a fever on Saturday afternoon, so we kept some tylenol and motrin in him, and hoped to keep it down that way... Saturday night, or actually Sunday morning at 2 am I woke up and heard him crying and went to check on him... His temp was 104.8, which was higher than my boys have ever had... my boys have not had many fevers at all actually, and when I saw this number and felt his body on fire, I pretty much freaked out... I woke up mom to get her to ride with me ( in case Gabe needed someone in the back.... my nephew had these febrile seizures and I was so worried about that). So we loaded Jayce and Gabe in the car to go to the urgent care (which was closed) and then to the ER... I thought we would be there maybe a few hours to check things out and that Jayce and mom could sleep in the car and then we'd head back home... Little did I know that we would be there nearly 12 hours... yes, we checked in at 2 am and arrived home at 2:30 pm the next day... still in my pj's, still no makeup, no deodorant, or tooth brush... NO SLEEP, and all of us utterly exhausted...Nanny and Grandaddy did come pick up Jayce and he took a nap at their house, thank goodness!

It was a crazy night in the ER and I kept thinking, why am I here, should we just leave? Gabe is only a sleeper in his crib, and he was wide awake for all but a 20 minute nap at 12:30 Sunday afternoon after shots and blood work had him worn out... So, I held Gabe for 12 hours straight, afraid to put him down in there, and boy did my arms get a workout... Anyhow to get to the point... I kept thinking, we should leave but the nurse at the desk did say it was really high and she would hate to miss something, and since it was Saturday night... and we'd have to wait until Monday to see our doc., might as well stay... I am so glad I did... We finally were able to see a dr. at 8:30 or so that morning once the shift change occurred and they took an x ray of Gabe's chest and did bloodwork... they found that it looked like the beginning stages of pneumonia and the bloodwork showed evidence of bacterial disease rather than viral... we are still waiting to see what the cultures show on Wednesday, after 3 days of growth... Also his white blood cell count was elevated to show he is fighting infection. Gabe was given a shot of antibiotics to fight the infection and the Dr. told me that it was very good we had waited in the ER and caught it early, because something bacterial that is not caught, and especially bacterial pneumonia can be highly dangerous and even deadly if left untreated...This made me shutter to think how close I was to going home so many times that night.. Dr. Whitehead had a call yesterday from the ER lab saying Gabe's cultures are growing bacteria and we are not sure if it is indeed pneumonia, something else, or if the tests were contaminated by possibly bacteria on his skin... He wanted Gabe to have another shot of antibiotics to be safe until we find out for sure, so we did that yesterday afternoon...

I believe Gabe is going to be fine, his temperature was down so much both yesterday and today and he really only had a fever once during both days. I believe the antibiotics are working... BUT, Please pray for him for complete healing and that nothing serious is going on. We will find out results tomorrow at our follow up visit and also check is white blood cell count again.

Gabe was such a sweet boy in the ER... I could not believe that he missed an entire night's sleep, was poked and prodded, and in between crying hysterically from the pain, he would still smile and flirt with the nurses...They all loved him and several absolutely refused to try to give him his shots or draw blood because they said they could not bear to see him cry... He was trying so hard to be himself... even with a 104 fever...Even last night, he would try to talk to us and laugh and smile, and then just put his head down on our shoulders because he was so exhausted he could not hold it up anymore... Gabe truly is SUCH a sweet baby...

Every time something happens to one of my children, or I hear about something happening to someone else's child, I think to myself that I DO NOT thank the Lord as I should for the blessings I have in our children. This has been another reminder to me of what really matters and how wrapped up I can get in the most insignificant of things sometimes... such as 3k snack time! So, I just wanted to post this as a reminder to myself to not let a day go by without thanking God for all my guys and to make sure they know how much I love them every single day.

1 comment:

Holly said...

You have such sweet guys. Evan and I will be sure to pray for all of you but especially "Jayce's brother" as Evan calls Gabe. Let us know if we can help you.