Monday, October 6, 2008

Gabe at 14 months

Gabe is OH SO CLOSE to taking off... it won't be long... he has taken several steps on several occasions to both Jay and I, but is still not wanting to let go of a hand or wall for longer than it takes to take a few steps... I had said before that I was ok with him not walking, but it is starting to get a little trickier... He is in a stage where he does not want to just ride along in the stroller for too terribly long... he likes to move and wants to get down with "bubby"... this can be a bit tricky when you are in say a doctor's office... or the mall food court... not the most sanitary of places to let your child crawl around... but I must admit, I have let him down in both places... we just wipe him down like crazy after the fact... This is another thing I would have NEVER done with Jayce... funny how much more laid back one becomes with the 2nd child! Anyhow, so I am ready for him to be on his feet instead of having black hands and knees!

Gabe loves to give me hugs, and LONG ones! I don't want this phase to end!

Gabe LOVES music these days, and loves to dance... He does this funny little "jig" where he leans his head from one shoulder to the next when he hears the abc song on his leapfrog ball... I will try to get a video to put on here, it's too funny!

He is a climber... Jayce was a climber... but Gabe even more than Jayce was at this age because he is watching EVERYTHING Jayce does and tries to imitate it all! Today, I was getting ready to give them a bath, and Gabe hikes his leg over the tub and starts to dive in, diaper and all... and he would have gotten in if I was not right there... I have a feeling he might escape the crib before Jayce did... yeikes!

Gabe has a new word he likes to say, "Bible." I think he learned this at church, it's really cute!

He likes to say "uh huh" when I ask him things...

Gabe STILL does not like to travel and riding in a car with him even to Columbia is quite a test of the patience... he cries mostly the whole way there and back... he does not like to be confined for that long! I SO admire my friends who are able to take their children on these LONG trips! We are supposed to go to Dollywood with the family in November... 6 hours! Jay says he is not riding with us, he'll hitch a ride with his folks... we'll see about that! I'm going to purchase a really good set of head phones... BUT, this might be my only complaint about my sweet baby Gabe... other than this, he is one easy going kiddo!

Oh one last thing he LOVES... he likes to put his head between his legs, as if he is going to tumble... I think this is once again a Jayce imitation... he thinks it is SO funny, it makes me just a WEE bit nervous... I keep catching him before he goes over... but I'm sure it won't be long...

I can't believe how fast he is growing and changing daily, I so wish I could just press a button and put him on "pause..." It just goes way too fast. Yet, on the other hand, the bigger he gets, the more he and Jayce are able to interact and that is so neat to see as well!

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