So Gabe is 13 months, and as always I am late with his update... but I think now that he is one, I'll kind of do their updates together, WHENEVER I can get around to sitting down at the computer...
Has gotten SUCH a little personality lately! He is such a ham all the sudden!
He loves to be told no, no (not a good sign), and he just LAUGHS, and I mean cackles if you tell him not to do something, and goes right for it again (Again, NOT a good sign)... I probably need to start cracking down on him a little harder, but he still just seems like such a baby to me, it is hard... I once again have a biter... I thought that the likelihood of having 2 in one family was not going to be that great, but here we go again... Gabe however does not seem to do it in spite (or just yet)... it more seems to be that he is teething and hurting... and it has thus far only been directed towards daddy, mama and bubby... hopefully, we can nip it in the bud... I pop his fat little leg though, and he just laughs, and thinks it is a game... what to do??? I would love any suggestions from anyone who has dealt with baby biters before... Jay has started calling him pit bull... we need an intervention!
He is loving early morning jogs with mommy while bubby is at school! It is really nice b/c he is so content without even having snacks or his sippy cup, and mommy really enjoys a quiet, uninterrupted jog!
He also is loving to get to ride in the top part of the grocery cart now that we sometimes get to go by ourselves while Jayce is gone... he thinks this is SO much fun! He just lays back and crosses his feet and grins at everyone as if he's in Heaven! I have been trying lately to not venture out with both boys unless it's the park, gym, or church or going to be a really quick trip... so Gabe really enjoys getting out!
He loves to say "Jayce" in his cute little way, bubby, mama, daddy, I... U (forgets the love), bye bye still is his favorite...,
He loves to hold his arm straight up in the sky and point, and Jayce always thinks he is trying to ask us a question, since that is what Jayce now has learned to do in school...
He is crawling so fast and is standing holding onto things trying to walk around the room, and will stand alone, but still a little afraid to let go and walk... again, ok by me... let him be a baby as long as possible!
Loves to say "daddy" when Jay walks in!
He is getting a little temper if he does not like something, and he will clench his teeth, and ball up his fists, it is very hard not to laugh... I'm bad aren't I?
He is starting to say "uh uh, uh uh" when he does not want to eat something, and shakes his head... I was not thinking he would become so picky quite so soon... But, he is still eating some veggies and tons of fruit, just not wanting green ones anymore...
His new favorite breakfast foods are wheat toast with strawberry jam and quaker oatmeal squares, soaked in milk... he would eat these all day, I pretty much have to yank them away from him!
All in all, Gabe is just growing up so fast, and the boys are really playing together so well, it is amazing how much things change in one year... Their favorite activity is to roll around on the floor together, they both think it is hilarious!
Loving school and now doing great! Got 5 stamps in a row last week, so we headed to the dollar tree on Friday for our weekly prize and he gets so excited! The dollar tree is like the best place in the world to him, and I was so proud of him because he picked out a little miniature nativity set... I was thinking we were going for the usual bugs or snakes, when he surprised me with Baby Jesus, how sweet!
He loves Gabe so much and yesterday he looked at him and said, Gabe, you are my best buddy in the whole world... just out of the blue... Gabe just grins
He loves to sing with mommy "don't worry, be happy," (not sure how this one got started up again)and hot diggity dog (the mickey mouse clubhouse theme song)
Loves to see his daddy when he gets home from work each day, and runs to the door and yells "Dad! Throw me up in the sky!" Thank goodness Jay's back has not been seriously injured yet from this little routine...
Loves to blow on Gabe's stomach to make raspberry noises, and Gabe thinks it's hilarious too!
One last thing, he came walking in from Lowes today with Jay and brought me a new plant.. I thanked Jay, and he said don't thank me, Jayce was the one who wanted to get you one... that makes it all worth it :)
love my guys!
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