So, this is my much belated 10 month update for Gabe...
First of all, his stats from his 9 month visit, which happened actually last week at almost 10.5 months, thanks to a flat tire the morning of his last visit...
21.5 lbs and in the 90th percentile for his height.. I will have to look to be sure exactly what his numbers were for that... already filed it away, but I know it was the 90th and Dr. Whitehead said he is the same height of an average 1 1/2 year old.. He is definitely getting daddy's height!
For the past 4 days, we have successfully managed to drop one feeding and are down to 3 a day! Yippee! And, lots of solids to make up for it... We are beginning the weaning process... and will plan to conclude at a year... I knew that I had better start now to drop one feeding every few weeks because we were at 4-5... and only have 6 weeks to go... it is CRAZY my baby is almost one... Anyhow, Gabe didn't really like to drop it, but as long as I can distract him with a bath, or dip in our kiddy pool, or a nuby cup with some applesauce in it, he is good to go...
Other things about Gabe at 10 months...
He LOVES his baths... when I start to run the water, he starts dancing and winding his arms like he does... looks like he's cranking up a Harley... those of you who know him know what I"m talking about...He will cry if I walk away with him to get his towel or something once that water has started.. he wants IN!
He can now eat CHEERIOS!! Hooray! This has made all the difference in my quality of life, seriously! I can now put him in his chair with cheerios on his tray, and fix dinner or clean up afterwards without him crying to be held.. as this time of night is always his most fussy time... not anymore! The first food we tried this way was actually Ihop harvest grain and nut pancakes... mommy's favorite! We noticed that a girl at the table beside us had a 1 year old chowing down on some pancakes... and Jay said, you'd better start letting him try more real food so he'll be ready to eat his cake in August... so we tried it and he LOVED it... he has had bran muffins and peaches and bananas in small bites and loves them all... every now and then he will choke and it still makes me so nervous, but our dr. said it's totally normal and they just have to keep practicing...
ALSO, I've gotten him to eat fresh steamed brocoli and he LOVED it! This is huge because before, the only green veggie he would eat was green peas and he did not care for any fresh veggies at all pureed, only fruits, so I was super excited about this... did I mention I added a slice of cheese? This could be why! I love cheese too, and it is good protein, so why not?!
Gabe LOVES to give "sugars" and when we say give mommy sugars, he'll turn towards me, and daddy, and Jayce, and so on... so he definitely knows who is who and they are the sweetest open mouth kisses!
He still loves to clap to "yea"
He loves to wave and say bye bye, Jay in fact walked in to him waving and saying bye bye to himself this afternoon...
Still does great with a sippy cup
Still sleeps great at night 7 ish to lately 8ish, HOW SWEET IS HE???
2 naps, usually about 2 hours
loves to blow raspberries.. especially in sync with Jayce
loves to roll over while being changed... it's almost as hard as it is to chase Jayce around to change his clothes
LOVES his big brother and just stares at him so sweetly, as if he is taking in everything that Jayce does!
And just so darn sweet! Everywhere we go, people comment on what a good, sweet disposition Gabe has and how easy going he is, and it really is true, God has blessed us greatly and made this transition as easy as I think it possibly could have been!