Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy 1/2 Year to Gabe! (one week late!)

Well, I am, of course, late in writing this...which comes as no surprise to anyone who knows me! It is so hard to believe that Gabe is 1/2 year old, as of February 1st, 6 months... and I still feel like I'm always trying to catch up! Anyhow, Happy 1/2 year to him! Gabe is still the sweetest baby,and still so laid back for the most part... although he is starting to be a little more vocal about his likes and dislikes...
He is still sleeping great, as long as he is in his crib... he LOVES that crib, and when his head hits the mattress, he sticks that thumb in his mouth, and starts sucking away, and is usually out within seconds... he is so great at getting himself to sleep, which makes life much easier when I have a 2 year old (almost 3 year old) on my heels! He still actually takes about 3-4 naps on a normal day, if we are at home... but he's becoming much less likely to sleep while we're out in public... especially b/c everytime we get into a store, someone will come up, even if he is covered up, and pull up the blanket or canopy over his head and say... aww... how sweet, he's sleeping... and as politely as I can, I will say, yes, I'm hoping he stays like this, so I can get some shopping done... and they KEEP ON until he wakes up, never fails... Anyhow, he is definitely past that sleep anywhere stage... I'm trying to get him to where he needs fewer naps a day, as it would be easier for us to get somehwere out and about in between them... hoping that will come soon, but for now, he likes his sleep... Still sleeps great at night, usually 8-7:30.

He is doing better with solids... still not a fan of rice cereal, but loves bananas! Yes, I know you're supposed to start with veggies, but that never helped Jayce at all, who has JUST now started liking veggies... and I was tired of being rejected, so we skipped straight to the good stuff... plus I was becoming worried the child would never eat solids, and just needed to make sure!

The things I love about Gabe at this stage:

His BLUE blue eyes that stare at me so sweetly!
The way he holds my face with his hands
the way he tries to give me open mouth kisses every time I'm holding him near my face!
The way he grabs his toes and is always pulling his feet up when he's lying down, it's so cute!
The way he laughs so hard when I kiss his tickle spot, on the side of his neck and when he sees his silly brother do about anything!
the way he grabs hold of anything hear his mouth and SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS... he is definitely teething!
the way he grins SO BIG when he sees me stand over his crib... he is such a flirt!
the way that he calms down when fussy, if I sing him his song... he loves it!

This past 6 months has flown by way too quickly for me... I have LOVED every part of being Gabriel's mommy!

Jayce is doing great, and I'll write more on him next time, I'm sure you're tired of reading my novel at this point! I'll post some pics next time too!

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