Saturday, February 16, 2008

6 month stats and THAT Jayce!

so, Gabe's measurements from his 6 month appointment are: weight: 17 lbs, 13 ozs, and height 27.5 inches... He is a about 1 1/2 lbs more and 1 inch longer than Jayce was at his 6 mt appointment... as I've said before, Jayce had better watch out! and stop with the I'm gonna pull your head off comments! Actually, we've not had any more of those lately... His new thing is to come lay down on the floor beside him, give him a great big bear hug around his neck, and say, "I love you Gabe." Yesterday, he told him "you're my best brother." Jayce really does love his little bro... Any time Gabe makes a peep when he's awaking from his nap, Jayce says, I gotta go get Gabe and jets up to his room, and before I can even start heading up the stairs, he has closed his door, and climbed in his crib and is pretending to be asleep with his arm around him once I walk in... it is so sweet... I just have to make sure I'm following right behind him!
Jayce asks all the time if they can sleep together and I told him it won't be long... actually, about 2 years... but that will fly I'm sure..

We just got Jayce a "big boy bed"... FINALLY! We've been sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor ever since he started diving out of his crib 2 weeks after Gabe was born... how sad is that... but hey, he has slept, and we wanted to be sure to find just the right bed... So, we've gotten bunk beds... with a full on bottom and twin on top... They separate, and the plan for now is to just put the bottom bed in Jayce's room until we are confident he won't use the top as a diving board once we lock the door for nap time... With the full on the bottom, we figure they can share a bed, if they do want to share a room, until Jayce is ready to go up top... I'm so excited to finally pull our golf bedding out of the closet, that we ordered over a year ago for his big boy room!

Funny Jayce stories:

I was feeding Gabe the other day in a rocking chair, and he said he wanted to sit with us, I told him there was not enough room in that chair ... So, he remedied the situation, and drug his rocking chair from his room to Gabe's room and pulled it up beside us, then he grabbed a stuffed frog in Gabe's nursery and said, "froggy is hungry too, I'm gonna feed him with my "punk" (which is his term for mommy's breast pump)...he's a little confused on this whole concept... he shoved him up under his arm for about 2 seconds and then declared he was done and threw him down on the ground... It was quite funny!

The other day we were having Jayce's little friends over to play in the yard one afternoon... I was rushing around trying to get the house to not look like a cyclone had run through it... and Jayce all the sudden had a huge blow out... I get his diaper off and get him wiped off and ready to throw in the tub, just as Gabe decides to follow in his big brother's foot steps, so then I go to work on Gabe and look around to see that Jayce is no where to be found... I look all around the house, calling for him and no answer, then I see the back door wide open... he had run outside.. in his birthday suit, and was climbing up onto his swing set... Of course 2 neighbors are stopped at the stop sign directly facing our back yard and get to see my naked child get hauled inside from the 50 degree weather... that always makes ya feel like a great mom!

1 comment:

amyop said...

You have 2 very sweet boys! Thanks for sharing your stories!