Monday, November 12, 2007

More on Jayce

there are a few more things I meant to write about Jayce before I forget... Looking back at Jayce's old blog made me realize how important it is to write down everything, b/c I had forgotten so many of the little things... and I love looking back through my entries!

Anyhow, Jayce is still doing really well with his manners... and nearly each time he eats... whether I make a homecooked dinner or we have carryout from somewhere... he will say "thank you for dinner mommy..." and it is so sweet... I always feel bad b/c half the time Jay has brought it home for us and Jay feeds him... but hey, I'll accept the credit for it I guess!

Also, he loves to ask for something and say "pwease" and it is so darn sweet the way he says it... it makes me always WANT to give it to him, ya think he knows that?

For being such a boisterous boy, he sure is tender hearted... his good friend's little brother was in the hospital last week and he was very concerned. I told him that we needed to pray for him and he led the prayer, asking God to help him, and that was not enough, he asked God to bless his mommy and his daddy too... who really needed God at a time like that.It really made me tear up, as I believe God loves to hear the prayers of children, and it was so simple, yet so genuine. I was so proud of him.

also, sometimes he sounds like a little Brittish boy, because he will say "hey mum"... mum... it is so cute... but I still prefer mommy!

Last thing, I'd just put him down for his nap today, and he was not happy about it, and through his sobs I hear him talking into his monitor saying, "I'm happy now mommy. I feel better so much." This is what we say when he is going down, you will feel so much happier and better when you wake up... and when he wakes up, we ask do you feel better? And he always replies " I feel better so much." So, he was trying to convince me he had already had all the rest he needed... it was so funny... Obviously he did need it, b/c that was the last I heard from him!


amyop said...

These are the most precious posts! They are my favorite. The little things are what makes being a mommy so rewarding. I love the prayer it brought tears to my eyes and I know God swiped a few of his own as well!

amyop said...

Hey will you send me your e-mail address! I have tried to send you several things and it gets sent back to me. Thanks amyop