OK, an update on the pregnancy now that I'm on a roll, his laptop is so much easier! I have 5 1/2 months pregnant, it's so hard to believe! It is flying by, now that I'm past the yucky stage! I'm feeling really good for the most part! I am not sleeping really great, having to potty quite often, but I've kind of adjusted to the sleepless life since having Jayce! I've only 18 more years to go right? At least! Anyhow, as for a name... the saga continues... We had talked about Gabriel, calling him Gabe (Gabrielle is my middle name), Peyton, Graham, Taylor, Tyler... the list goes on and on... I really liked Gabe, but Jay just couldn't agree on it, he just wasn't sure... so then I thought of my absolute favorite boy's name, Jackson, which just happens to be my nephew's name, so I'd never considered it... But, I realized that they actually never call him Jackson, he goes by Jack... so I thought they might be ok with it, and they were, and Jackson was actually very pleased that I wanted to name the baby after him... The only problem was his twin brother Jonathan wanted one named after HIM! I thought that was cute! Anyhow, tonight we are talking again, and I am still drawn to Gabe... and it would be my first choice... It's complicated, b/c I love the name Jackson most, but I would like Gabe more b/c it would be original to just us! We'll see... I'll keep you posted... maybe we'll do Jackson Gabriel or vice versa and have the best of both worlds... and then we can call him whatever he looks like, we'll see!
Anyhow, I'm posting some pics for you to see my growing belly... the one of Jay and I is the weekend of my birthday, on our way to Hilton Head, I was right at 5 months, and the others were taken tonight, 2 weeks later...
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