I wanted to attach a picture of our new house! We've finally sold ours, due to close on April 9th, and have a contract on this one, due to close on April 20th.. However, we have some time to pack... The owners of our new house want to finish out the school year, and we are going to rent the house to them until the end of that... and the buyers for our house are also going to rent this to us until we move, which will be May 23rd... We love this house! The outside is really cute I think, but the inside is what really got us! We saw it once, and offered 5 minutes later, that's how much we like it... any of you who know Jay know that he really thinks things through, so he REALLY liked it! It has 4 bedrooms and a bonus play room/workoutroom/office... big enough for all that, a big kitchen, DINING ROOM, master bath with double sink and JET TUB, and shower and WALK IN... this is all new to us, so we are really excited! And a really big backyard, equipped with a wooden swing set and trampoline with a net around it (not quite sure WHEN we'll start using that!) Anyhow, say a prayer for me packing! I'm trying to get motivated, but it's just so overwhelming! We have so much stuff! These kids sure accumulate stuff FAST!
PS I"m attaching other recent cute pics!