Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of School

Ok, so Gabe has started 3K half day... remember he did NO mother's morning out! So this is big! I am glad I've waited a few weeks to write just because I might have sounded like I was in a deep depression the first few.... or maybe just one.. it's actually really nice now. I do miss him alot BUT, I am loving having some quiet time in the mornings to work, run errands ALONE, clean out closets that have needed to be cleaned out for 3 years... and just kind of catch my breath after the last 3 years! And, I am SO ready to see them when I do get them! Jayce is in a full day now, which I DO NOT like... I really would love to have him with us from noon on, but that's not an option for 5K.. I miss my other little buddy at lunch but it is nice to have some 1:1 time with Gabe too!

It does help that Gabe LOVES school, he told me "mommy I love my school." His first words to Jay when he sat down at his table for orientation were "Daddy, the girls are so pretty here." I KNOW Jay had to have been just like him as a 3 year old...

Jayce is loving school too although he won't admit it... I just know because he would have TOLD Me if he did not like it, he told me that so much last year! He used to dread going and he seems to look forward to it now. He is making a + s! I am SO excited! Jayce has always been very real world smart but has not cared much for his school work... it's like something has clicked this year and he's really getting it, and he's so proud of himself, it makes me happy! He has had a green card every day for behavior except for one day of yellow for too much talking. We took away tv for the day and have not had a problem since, he loves his Backyardigans. So, we are off to a great start! Hope it continues ! Starting Upward football now so will have some cute pics to post soon I'm sure!

PS The little girl in the pics is Hallie... Jayce LOVES Hallie... don't be mad at me Jayce if you read this years down the road... he is very defensive about it... but he gets this look when he talks about her, he grins so big, gets really shy, and denies everything... but he loves to chase her at recess... and today told me he was her "guard" at recess, walking back and forth in front of her to make sure she didn't get away!

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