So,I was trying to organize my desk somewhat and came across some notes I'd jotted down on what I intended to blog a WHILE ago... This is why I do this, I had already forgotten these stories and it's only been a month or two... I never want to forget, it just happens... That's why I'm so glad I can look back at these stories so that even as they grow, I can remember the sweetest stories of when they little!
This one was back when school was in... embarrassingly...Bear with me as this is a long story but something that I feel God would want me to share so maybe it can help someone else... Jayce had seen me crying one day, one of those days... I had been struggling with a really bad pulled hamstring that I've now had for almost 5 months... although it is HOPEFULLY on it's way back to normal after much therapy!!! I was in that poor me stage where I was asking why why why... I can't chase my 2 year old around and he's a was frankly dangerous... I can't run races with the kids and jump on the trampoline with them, I can't even go for a walk around the block or keep up with them as they ride their bikes... the grocery store was way too much walking for me, as was church...I can't work out which is what I love to do not to mention my stress relief and my outlet... why why why Lord??? One day at my breaking point, I opened my Bible just searching for some comfort. The Lord led me directly to these verses... "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 28-30
At this moment, I gave this burden to the Lord and started asking, "Ok, WHAT Lord, do you want me to take from this?" That Sunday, one of my very best friends and SS teachers shared an acrostic that followed right up on this. "JOYFUL"
J-Jeddesin (which I'd never heard of) but it means to get rid of (my burdens, negative thinking, problems, to give them to God)
O-Omit (my worries by replacing them with God's word and choosing to say scripture verses when I worry)
Y-YIELD TO GOD's HAND (this was key, this is HOW I said, ok God, you are in control and I don't really like these circumstances but I CHOOSE to acknowledge your hand and that you have something for me to learn through this)
F-Focus on what's good (OH how many blessings I have and I was not even thanking the Lord for the ways he's blessed me)
U-Use your life as an encouragement
L-Let God be God
SO, Jayce was later asking me what was wrong and I explained to him that I'd had a problem I was very upset about but that I had given my burden to the Lord. He said, "burden, what's a burden????" It just so happens that we were in Gabe's room and he has circus animals on his curtains and I saw a cart with a mule pulling it behind him, I showed him that is his burden he's carrying and that when ours is too heavy, the Lord will help us carry it. Perfect analogy at a perfect time! So, the next day, he goes to school and comes home with a frown on his face. I said, Jayce what is wrong? He said, "mom, I asked God to help me carry a burden today and he didn't and I don't understand why not??" I asked what his burden was and he said, "my pencil was too heavy and I asked God to carry it for me, but he didn't." OK, so maybe my analogy was not so good :)
In any case, I LOVED this acrostic and hope some of you can use it if you've got anything weighing YOU down!
BTW, it is on the mend, not there yet, but it's ok now. God has truly done some amazing work in me through this, as ya'll know on my own I'd be looney by now for sure! I spent 3 months with mono and now 5 months with this..not the course I'd have chosen for myself. BUT, He's helped me focus on the positive and remember what's MOST important in my life!
Thank you for the sweet story and words of encouragement. I was also having "one of those days" and your JOYFUL acronym was exactly what I needed to hear! God bless you, girl! Love, Michelle
Michelle Holliman by the way. :-)
That was certainly an encouragement to me and I will be passing it on. Thanks!
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