Just wanted to post a few recent pictures and write what the boys have been up to...
Gabe and Jayce are both very active and lively at this age to say the least, hence the little time for blogging lately! In the past, I have always said that at least God seems to only make one go through a challenging stage at a time, and how much I was thankful for that... Well, I guess he thought I had too much time on my hands and needed a new challenge! So, they are both a little wild and crazy these days! When friends ask if I am having another, I laugh and say that I think 2 boys counts as 4 already, so I get extra credit! No, really, I am loving them through this stage, the good and the bad... more the good of course and ready for it to get a little easier, but I know it is a phase!
I'm posting a few recent random pics and also some of Jayce's first field trip to the strawberry patch with Mrs. Rogers class! I had so much fun, rode on the bus with the kids and my sister in law was so kind to keep Gabe! I love watching Jayce interact with his little school friends!
The good-
Jayce is hilarious as always and makes me laugh 100 times a day probably.
Example: I just told him he needs to eat his macaroni and cheese and broccoli (leftover lunch) before having any snacks, he said, I will eat the macaroni but the broccoli really gives me a headache mom...
-he showers me with kisses and hugs and roses (from my rosebush outside)
-he loves to play with Gabe most of the time and tells him he is his best friend ever
He told me today that I am the "best parent ever" because I
"make him food, help him play things, help him get ready, help teach him to be good," this made me feel really good that he acknowledged I am doing something!
The bad-
Yesterday he colored on my wall with permanent marker (first time ever, right after having them painted last week)
He dumped water down my oreck canister vacuum (first time ever again, right after I paid 60 dollars to have it repaired last week)...
BUT, I think God is using this to show me things are things... Yes, he was definitely punished and lectured for destroying property BUT, I did feel reminded in the midst of my frustration that I am so thankful for my relationship with Christ as HE is the only one that will remain the same when all else fails...
The good-
He is talking up a storm, loves to say
"thank you mommy" when I hand him anything,
sometimes "mommy daddy,"- Jay said last night, I think we have become one person to Gabe
Loves to say "yes" and NOOOOOOOOO (quite good at this one)
He calls cereal "re-al"
Calls his nanny "mimi"- no matter how hard we work on this one...
He is beginning to like to give hugs in the morning time while we're getting ready and it is the sweetest thing!
The bad-
He is definitely having roll around on the ground fits
Also, he will turn bright red and start gagging from screaming so loud and intensely for 45 minutes to an hour at a time when he is mad or restrained in a car seat or store buggy... this does make me feel a little insane!
He gets really mad if I do not:
let him play with outlets
let him play with my makeup, especially the mascara
let him eat toothpaste
let him dump out bags of chips, pretzels or anything else that could possibly make a great mess
let him climb and jump off the couch or any other piece of furniture
let him climb up the swing set in the back yard
Other than this, we are good!
The great-with both of them, the good moments are great enough to makeup for the tough and I am so thankful to be their mommy through it all!
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