I felt like I was dreaming as I just wrote that title, it is so hard to believe it is time for a first birthday party! I remember so well this time one year ago... the night before I was induced... We had Outback carryout with mimi and papa and Aunt Liza came to pick up Jayce for an extended sleepover. We all took one last family shot of just us 3 and tried to get in bed early... only for me to toss and turn and wonder just how much our lives were about to change... Well, I had another sleepless night last night, just thinking about how much this year has flown by and how much more wonderful Gabe has made our lives, even when I thought it could not get any better! I know I am so sentimental, but birthdays to me are a time to reflect on all the blessings the previous year has brought...Words cannot express how much sweeter life has been with Gabe being added to our family... My favorite thing in the world to do is watch my boys love each other, it just does not get better than that! This year has been the best (I won't say easiest) year of my life when I look back on it... After having Jayce, and seeing how quickly time goes by with little ones, I made myself a promise to enjoy every single moment, or at least try to even with the hard ones, because they ALL go by so quickly and even in the hard times I think to myself "this too shall pass." I cry at every birthday because I just love them being little and I think to myself, this is another step towards them being big... I know I will love that too once we get there but I will certainly always cherish these times...Gabe's 1st year could not have been better and I am so thankful to be his mommy!
OK< enough sappy stuff...
Here is what Gabe is doing at one:
the cutest, funniest "crawl" (if it could be called such), no longer commando, almost a sitting crawl... I will post the video clip on here...
no more bottles! Still loves smoothies and applesauce, brocoli, sweet potatoes, bananas (any fruit for that matter), nutrigrain blueberry eggos (new addition), and not so much the black beans anymore or any other veggie than brocoli and sweet potatoes... I'm sure we'll be able to add cake to the list after tomorrow!
LOVES to say bye bye, says hey, still mama, dadda, daddy, bubba, bubby (depending on his mood)
Loves to push the walker car, and play with his activity table (both big brother's old toys)
Favorite activity: pulling out the tupperware from the kitchen cabinets and making a big mess on the floor while mommy cooks (it entertains him for hours)
Loves baths still, but we're having a hard time with him wanting to stand up and look over the edge now... Jayce didn't try this trick... gotta watch him!
Still loves to wind his arms like he's driving a harley when he gets excited...
Still does the sit n spin... where he sits on his bottom and moves his legs all the way around in a circle, looks like a helicopter...hard to explain....but I'll remember what it means when I look back and that's really why I do this anyhow!
SLEEPS GREAT: 7pm to about 8 am, and will fall back to sleep if big bro does not interrupt until 9ish... somedays we do 2 1 1/2-2 hour naps and some days just one long 3-3 1/2 hour nap... Gabe is very flexible when it comes to his naps... Often he will fall asleep on the way home from the gym or church and once we carry him in and put him in his crib, he'll just go right back and continue with his nap... it's really nice!
The boy is just plain easy... sure he has his moments, but generally he's one laid back cat (as Jay would say)!
Gabe, one day when you can read this I want you to know that we love you so much and are so proud of all you have done in your first year! You are truly a joy and we are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for allowing us the honor of raising you! He KNEW we needed a little Gabe, even when we didn't know we did... thank goodness He is always in control and His way is always best!
We love you sweet boy!
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