Today, Jay and Jayce were heading out for their normal Saturday morning errands... to the office to check on the workers and to Lowes to pick any last minute supplies for the yard work and Jay mentions that he is going to pick up some any killer to get rid of these ants. Jayce said, "yes mom, and then the ants will fly away to Heaven." I had to get this on here before I forgot!
Jayce's vocabulary has really expanded this week! He is VERY into saying... that is fantastic... awesome... delicious is still a big hit!
And still, he loves to tell people "you are my best friend ever and ever..."
His manners are really coming along as well... Jay had taken him out to the golf course one afternoon last week after work, and as they were hitting balls, Jay said, Jayce do you need something to drink? It's really hot out here... Jayce replied "No thanks dad, but thanks for asking." He is just turning into a little man right before my eyes...
Also, he loves to give compliments and say for instance... if I am cooking... "you are really good at cooking mom" or you are the best cleaner ever and ever...
The other day, Jay had cleaned out his closet! Yes, I know... I almost passed out when I walked in and could actually see floor space on his side... Anyhow, I told him to tell Jay that he liked how he'd cleaned out the closet... well, Jay got home, and he said, "dad, you did a great job cleaning out your closet!" I am thinking, yes, this will really motivated him to keep up the good work because he knows little eyes are watching him! Instead, Jay said, did your mama tell you to say that? Jayce quickly answered Yep! oh well, nice thought...
Two of Jayce's favorite things to do these days are to cut the grass with dad... Jay let's him ride on his mower with him and Jayce gets SO excited! And, to go hit golf balls with dad... I just know he will be the next Tiger Woods!
Last thing, I almost hesitate to say this... b/c I don't want to "jinx" myself... BUT, I am thinking this age is starting to get a little easier... Jayce for the most part will listen... if I use the 1,2,3 thing... he does not want to go to time out and miss out on the fun or get spankings... so, this usually gets him... And, he is really playing well with Gabe... I can put a rug on the floor and let them play with toys (under supervision of course)while I hop on the treadmill or unload the dishwasher or whatever... I finally feel like they are entertaining each other and it is really nice!
PS, please pray for potty training... we are regressing more than ever... I need tips!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
God is so Good
I've actually been back and forth over whether to share this story or not... simply because I was so embarrassed that yet another near tragedy has occurred while my child was in my care... BUT, I have decided that 1- I do want to document this so that I will always remember what I've learned from it and 2- in case it might prevent anyone else from making the same mistake I did...
2 days ago, the boys and I had actually just had a rather surprisingly pleasant shopping experience at Target... I had in fact promised Jayce frozen yogurt from Brusters for being so well behaved... little did I know how delayed his reward would be... We got out to the parking lot, parked on the side at Target (for those of you who are local) and I was about to unload my groceries when Gabe started to fuss and I looked down to discover he had had quite a leak from a dirty diaper and it was all over his clothes and his car seat... So, a little flustered, and NOT THINKING... I decided that rather than putting Gabe in his seat before unloading the bags as I usually do, I had better get him changed... And, knowing that my tailgate was full already, I had better move some things around before laying him down back there to change him... So, here is where things went wrong...Rather than picking up the carrier and moving it with me to the back of the car, I took a shortcut and I decided to leave Gabe in his carrier in the cart- he was in that front part at the front of my car while I ran back to shift things around, thinking Jayce was right behind me... this all happened like in 15 seconds... I look up to see Jayce is not there with me, he is on the side of the car and the cart is rolling... it was up on the curb... I RAN to try to grab it and saw it roll off the curb, onto the pavement and tried my hardest to grab the carrier but could not reach it, so I watched Gabe fly through the air in his carrier and hit the parking lot HARD... For those of you who do not know, this is Gabe's 3rd fall where he hit the ground hard... I was so afraid he was not going to be ok this time, this was the worst by far... he did not lose consciousness but screamed for about 20 minutes... non stop... this actually worried me b/c the times before he cried a few minutes and then would settle down... this time, not... his pupils were the same size but SO tiny, I know it was bright outside, but no one else's pupils were NEARLY as small... this was worrying me... a sweet lady in the parking lot watched it all and ran over to help me... she phoned Jay at work and we waited for him to get there b/c I was afraid if I drove, Gabe would fall asleep in his seat and I wanted to keep him awake... and it was past nap time for him... So eventually when Jay got there we took him to urgent care where he finally settled down and pupils were back to normal... he had a huge bump on his head but the dr. said this was not reason to be concerned... she felt like he was acting like he was ok by this point and felt that he was but wanted to do a cat scan just to check for fractures... I had to get him to be completely still and nursed him to sleep 3 different times before he would actually stay asleep on the machine... The results were good and they did not see anything concerning... Praise be to God for this, as it truly is a miracle that Gabe is ok after that fall... it was so bad...
I do not actually know whether the cart was rolling because of the wind, or Jayce pushing it... he likes to push a cart and he says he did it... it does not actually matter... I was the one who left him in that situation even if that is the case...
Gabe is Gabe and has been his sweet self ever since... I however will never be the same... As I've done in every other incident, I replayed the scene again and again in my head over and over.. asking WHY I left that cart and how could I be so stupid? And, thinking that if it had been worse, I just can't imagine how I would go on...
My mom is always the one I call in situations like this... you know you have that friend who always knows what to say... and always makes you feel better... well, for me that is my mom... Mom said that first of all, this could have happen to many mothers and that as children, my brothers and I all had things like this happen to us... When I told her how horrible I felt and that I felt like Jay was so upset with me... she said, if the worst thing that happened today is a bump on the head and a husband who is a little disgruntled... well, that's pretty good honey, and so much better than it could have been... SO TRUE...and she said that there is no point dwelling on the what ifs, but to rather allow God to turn this bad situation into something good...
After 2 days of balling hysterically and basically being a "basket case" (quote from Jay), I have decided to move on and forgive myself... here is what I have taken and learned from this... (aside from the obvious of never leaving a baby unattended in a shopping cart)
1) God is SO GOOD and always there...
2) it is so important to daily pray for protection for my children and thank God for their safety
3) I am so thankful for life and health and a God who is in control, even when I am not
4) MOST OF ALL, I realize how much I love and appreciate Jay, Jayce, and Gabe and ALL my loved ones and do not ever want to take them for granted again
5) my endometriosis and my sleep deprivation are not so bad in light of this incident
One last thing that I want to remember from this... in doing my quiet time the morning after... being up since 2:30 am replaying this in my head... I NEEDED to hear from God that morning... I usually have a Bible reading plan and read pretty consecutively in a certain part of the Bible... but that morning, I just happened to open my Bible to this verse...
Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning, GREAT is thy faithfulness.
This hit home... absolutely what I needed to give me strength yesterday... I was absolutely consumed by the if only's and torturing myself over why I had been so thoughtless... but this passage reminded me that because of his mercy and his faithfulness, and because HE can forgive me, I too can forgive myself.
Thanks God for being so good to me.
ps Jayce did get his yogurt and then fell asleep on the way home... can't say I blame him!
2 days ago, the boys and I had actually just had a rather surprisingly pleasant shopping experience at Target... I had in fact promised Jayce frozen yogurt from Brusters for being so well behaved... little did I know how delayed his reward would be... We got out to the parking lot, parked on the side at Target (for those of you who are local) and I was about to unload my groceries when Gabe started to fuss and I looked down to discover he had had quite a leak from a dirty diaper and it was all over his clothes and his car seat... So, a little flustered, and NOT THINKING... I decided that rather than putting Gabe in his seat before unloading the bags as I usually do, I had better get him changed... And, knowing that my tailgate was full already, I had better move some things around before laying him down back there to change him... So, here is where things went wrong...Rather than picking up the carrier and moving it with me to the back of the car, I took a shortcut and I decided to leave Gabe in his carrier in the cart- he was in that front part at the front of my car while I ran back to shift things around, thinking Jayce was right behind me... this all happened like in 15 seconds... I look up to see Jayce is not there with me, he is on the side of the car and the cart is rolling... it was up on the curb... I RAN to try to grab it and saw it roll off the curb, onto the pavement and tried my hardest to grab the carrier but could not reach it, so I watched Gabe fly through the air in his carrier and hit the parking lot HARD... For those of you who do not know, this is Gabe's 3rd fall where he hit the ground hard... I was so afraid he was not going to be ok this time, this was the worst by far... he did not lose consciousness but screamed for about 20 minutes... non stop... this actually worried me b/c the times before he cried a few minutes and then would settle down... this time, not... his pupils were the same size but SO tiny, I know it was bright outside, but no one else's pupils were NEARLY as small... this was worrying me... a sweet lady in the parking lot watched it all and ran over to help me... she phoned Jay at work and we waited for him to get there b/c I was afraid if I drove, Gabe would fall asleep in his seat and I wanted to keep him awake... and it was past nap time for him... So eventually when Jay got there we took him to urgent care where he finally settled down and pupils were back to normal... he had a huge bump on his head but the dr. said this was not reason to be concerned... she felt like he was acting like he was ok by this point and felt that he was but wanted to do a cat scan just to check for fractures... I had to get him to be completely still and nursed him to sleep 3 different times before he would actually stay asleep on the machine... The results were good and they did not see anything concerning... Praise be to God for this, as it truly is a miracle that Gabe is ok after that fall... it was so bad...
I do not actually know whether the cart was rolling because of the wind, or Jayce pushing it... he likes to push a cart and he says he did it... it does not actually matter... I was the one who left him in that situation even if that is the case...
Gabe is Gabe and has been his sweet self ever since... I however will never be the same... As I've done in every other incident, I replayed the scene again and again in my head over and over.. asking WHY I left that cart and how could I be so stupid? And, thinking that if it had been worse, I just can't imagine how I would go on...
My mom is always the one I call in situations like this... you know you have that friend who always knows what to say... and always makes you feel better... well, for me that is my mom... Mom said that first of all, this could have happen to many mothers and that as children, my brothers and I all had things like this happen to us... When I told her how horrible I felt and that I felt like Jay was so upset with me... she said, if the worst thing that happened today is a bump on the head and a husband who is a little disgruntled... well, that's pretty good honey, and so much better than it could have been... SO TRUE...and she said that there is no point dwelling on the what ifs, but to rather allow God to turn this bad situation into something good...
After 2 days of balling hysterically and basically being a "basket case" (quote from Jay), I have decided to move on and forgive myself... here is what I have taken and learned from this... (aside from the obvious of never leaving a baby unattended in a shopping cart)
1) God is SO GOOD and always there...
2) it is so important to daily pray for protection for my children and thank God for their safety
3) I am so thankful for life and health and a God who is in control, even when I am not
4) MOST OF ALL, I realize how much I love and appreciate Jay, Jayce, and Gabe and ALL my loved ones and do not ever want to take them for granted again
5) my endometriosis and my sleep deprivation are not so bad in light of this incident
One last thing that I want to remember from this... in doing my quiet time the morning after... being up since 2:30 am replaying this in my head... I NEEDED to hear from God that morning... I usually have a Bible reading plan and read pretty consecutively in a certain part of the Bible... but that morning, I just happened to open my Bible to this verse...
Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning, GREAT is thy faithfulness.
This hit home... absolutely what I needed to give me strength yesterday... I was absolutely consumed by the if only's and torturing myself over why I had been so thoughtless... but this passage reminded me that because of his mercy and his faithfulness, and because HE can forgive me, I too can forgive myself.
Thanks God for being so good to me.
ps Jayce did get his yogurt and then fell asleep on the way home... can't say I blame him!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Jayce is very interested in knowing where things came from... such as, where did you get your plant mom? Where did we get these chips? Where did I get these pj's? Or, who gave me these mom?
The other night he asked me, " Who gave me to you?" when I said God did... then he said and who gave you to me?"
Another cute conversation... we were out on the deck... I was feeding Gabe and he was playing... he took ice from my cup and said that he needed it to go feed the ants and make them feel better... he said "they are mad ants mommy... I want to help them feel better."
The other night he asked me, " Who gave me to you?" when I said God did... then he said and who gave you to me?"
Another cute conversation... we were out on the deck... I was feeding Gabe and he was playing... he took ice from my cup and said that he needed it to go feed the ants and make them feel better... he said "they are mad ants mommy... I want to help them feel better."
Monday, April 14, 2008
and now Gabe
Gabe is sitting pretty these days! He will sit up for like 30 minutes at a time now, which is great! That way, if my hands are full, I can just plop him down on the floor wherever I am, and that works out well! We are still not crawling but Jay bets it will be within the week... he will scoot backwards and will move so fast when he's on his tummy, with his arms and legs... he will even scoot his legs up under him and ALMOST go... I am enjoying these last few days or weeks, whatever it may be of his immobility... I know it sounds bad... but I remember how hard those days are! Jayce is just at a point, where he will not touch things he shouldn't and he understands not to touch mommy's vases and breakables and to not get into cabinets and toilet bowls and trash cans... and Gabe is about to be loving all these things! Oh well... at least I know what to expect this time!
he is eating like crazy... 4-5 times a day from me and solids 3 times a day usually...
bottom 2 teeth are REALLY showing now!
Drinks from a sippy cup really well in the last week... still gets a little choked up, when the water pours out, but he can grasp it and put it to his mouth really well!
napping 2 times a day for 2 or 2 1/2 hrs and sleeps 12 -13 hours at night!
Social anxiety might be kicking in... I dropped him off at the gym today and he started screaming at the top of his lungs... he NEVER does this... but we had been out for a week and I guess he got used to being with me all the time... It broke my heart but also made me feel good to know he loves me so much! Is that bad?
Saturday morning, we ALL slept in until 8:15 and BOY was it nice! I thought, wow, it's been a good 8 months since I've done that! It was like they knew it was Saturday or something!
he is eating like crazy... 4-5 times a day from me and solids 3 times a day usually...
bottom 2 teeth are REALLY showing now!
Drinks from a sippy cup really well in the last week... still gets a little choked up, when the water pours out, but he can grasp it and put it to his mouth really well!
napping 2 times a day for 2 or 2 1/2 hrs and sleeps 12 -13 hours at night!
Social anxiety might be kicking in... I dropped him off at the gym today and he started screaming at the top of his lungs... he NEVER does this... but we had been out for a week and I guess he got used to being with me all the time... It broke my heart but also made me feel good to know he loves me so much! Is that bad?
Saturday morning, we ALL slept in until 8:15 and BOY was it nice! I thought, wow, it's been a good 8 months since I've done that! It was like they knew it was Saturday or something!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Update on Jayce
I wanted to jot down a few notes about what has been doing lately...
His 3 year dr. appointment stats first of all... 33 lbs and 38.25 inches... He was so excited to see Dr. Whitehead and upon first sight, shouted down the hall... I'm wearing big boy underpants and I pottied Dr. Whitehead! Also, unfortunately during the visit, as Dr. Whitehead was sharing a story about his little boy who Jayce sees in the kids nursery at the gym... Jayce exclaimed... Weaver does NOT LISTEN... an Dr. Whitehead looked a little surprised and said what? He said, Weaver had to go to time out yesterday at the gym... I was just slightly embarrassed... but at least the boy is honest... they will say anything right?
I might have already mentioned this... but Jayce and his daddy went to Lowes a few Saturdays ago and Jayce picked out a flower pot for me... a beautiful yellow gerber daisy! I asked Jay if he prompted this and he said, "Do you think that's the one I'd have picked! Heck no! I tried to talk him into something else but he really wanted that one for you!" But I LOVE it... It was so funny b/c I had just told Jay that I could not wait until the day Jayce brought me a flower!
On top of that sweet story, every day when he looks at the flower, he says, "Do you like your flower mommy?" I melt every time!
Also, he loves to tell me that I am his "favorite friend ever and ever"... and then he'll walk over to Jay and tell him the exact same thing... I have a feeling he is going to be two timing quite a bit!
He loves to tell Gabe that he is going to put him in time out any time that I have to tell Gabe not to do something... such as use his teeth while nursing... Jayce will run over and say "no no Gabe, I'm gonna put you in time out now!"
He also likes to tell us... or Gabe... or anyone he feels like telling... when he says to not do something... like don't put your drink there... never, never... that is his famous little saying these days...
Finally... potty training... we are really making some progress lately! We have stayed homebound practically all week and really worked hard on it... and I am definitely seeing improvement in this department! The only problem is that he still does not really want to go when we go other places unless I am there, I guess it is a comfort thing... He did go at the Dr.'s office... I'm sure there were no germs there! and he has been at church and at Daddy's "work."
Another problem we have had is with Jayce going crazy wanting treats all the time, which I had to do to get him interested... but the 2 m and m s have lost their appeal, then the gum machine was no longer exciting and he wanted candy or fruit snack gummies every time... both loaded with sugar... so could only go along with that game for so long... we are now using fruit nuggets made with 66% fruit purees... and they have way less sugar and calories.. OR yogurt covered pretzels... neither of these are super for him... but we had to use something different than what he's allowed to eat every day in order to keep him motivated...
ANYHOW, as I was pottying the other day, he said, mom, do you get a treat now? I said No, see when big people potty, they don't need treats... like none of your cousins or older pals... I could see his little wheels turning... he said, hmm... I still need treats!
that's another thing he does... rubs his fingers over his chin and says hmmm....all the time...
One last thing... cute story from the gym today... I dropped the boys off, and 2 of the girls that worked there said, "have you ever thought about doing modeling or entering him in those baby contests?" I replied that they were so sweet but that one time, I did enter him in the regis and kelly cute baby contest and got rejected and so mad, I never considered it again... of course, every mom believes there baby is cute enough to win right? They said, well we should have one here, and we would definitely pick Jayce! He is so cute and always makes girlfriends when he comes... they said that he takes the girls by the hand and says "come with me" and off they go... just had to brag on my little cutie a bit!I have absolutely nothing to do with how he looks, as he is his daddy's mini me! but how fortunate I am to have 3 handsome fellas!
His 3 year dr. appointment stats first of all... 33 lbs and 38.25 inches... He was so excited to see Dr. Whitehead and upon first sight, shouted down the hall... I'm wearing big boy underpants and I pottied Dr. Whitehead! Also, unfortunately during the visit, as Dr. Whitehead was sharing a story about his little boy who Jayce sees in the kids nursery at the gym... Jayce exclaimed... Weaver does NOT LISTEN... an Dr. Whitehead looked a little surprised and said what? He said, Weaver had to go to time out yesterday at the gym... I was just slightly embarrassed... but at least the boy is honest... they will say anything right?
I might have already mentioned this... but Jayce and his daddy went to Lowes a few Saturdays ago and Jayce picked out a flower pot for me... a beautiful yellow gerber daisy! I asked Jay if he prompted this and he said, "Do you think that's the one I'd have picked! Heck no! I tried to talk him into something else but he really wanted that one for you!" But I LOVE it... It was so funny b/c I had just told Jay that I could not wait until the day Jayce brought me a flower!
On top of that sweet story, every day when he looks at the flower, he says, "Do you like your flower mommy?" I melt every time!
Also, he loves to tell me that I am his "favorite friend ever and ever"... and then he'll walk over to Jay and tell him the exact same thing... I have a feeling he is going to be two timing quite a bit!
He loves to tell Gabe that he is going to put him in time out any time that I have to tell Gabe not to do something... such as use his teeth while nursing... Jayce will run over and say "no no Gabe, I'm gonna put you in time out now!"
He also likes to tell us... or Gabe... or anyone he feels like telling... when he says to not do something... like don't put your drink there... never, never... that is his famous little saying these days...
Finally... potty training... we are really making some progress lately! We have stayed homebound practically all week and really worked hard on it... and I am definitely seeing improvement in this department! The only problem is that he still does not really want to go when we go other places unless I am there, I guess it is a comfort thing... He did go at the Dr.'s office... I'm sure there were no germs there! and he has been at church and at Daddy's "work."
Another problem we have had is with Jayce going crazy wanting treats all the time, which I had to do to get him interested... but the 2 m and m s have lost their appeal, then the gum machine was no longer exciting and he wanted candy or fruit snack gummies every time... both loaded with sugar... so could only go along with that game for so long... we are now using fruit nuggets made with 66% fruit purees... and they have way less sugar and calories.. OR yogurt covered pretzels... neither of these are super for him... but we had to use something different than what he's allowed to eat every day in order to keep him motivated...
ANYHOW, as I was pottying the other day, he said, mom, do you get a treat now? I said No, see when big people potty, they don't need treats... like none of your cousins or older pals... I could see his little wheels turning... he said, hmm... I still need treats!
that's another thing he does... rubs his fingers over his chin and says hmmm....all the time...
One last thing... cute story from the gym today... I dropped the boys off, and 2 of the girls that worked there said, "have you ever thought about doing modeling or entering him in those baby contests?" I replied that they were so sweet but that one time, I did enter him in the regis and kelly cute baby contest and got rejected and so mad, I never considered it again... of course, every mom believes there baby is cute enough to win right? They said, well we should have one here, and we would definitely pick Jayce! He is so cute and always makes girlfriends when he comes... they said that he takes the girls by the hand and says "come with me" and off they go... just had to brag on my little cutie a bit!I have absolutely nothing to do with how he looks, as he is his daddy's mini me! but how fortunate I am to have 3 handsome fellas!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Just ignore that picture of me and Gabe being on here 3 times... for some reason it would not shop of in the preview... and I thought it was not on there until I posted it... oh well, sorry... I'm too tired to figure out how to delete the other was definitely a mistake though, I promise I really do not love myself that much!
Jayce's 3rd Birthday Party

Jayce's 3rd birthday party was my favorite ever I do believe! It's taken me 3 years but I finally have learned to ENJOY the party, rather than worrying about every little detail! I honestly think I had as much fun this year as Jayce did! The cowboy/western theme was probably my favorite which also helped! We had cupcakes... upon Jayce's request with a cute little cactus... strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, 3 flavors for our 3 year old! We had silverware wrapped in bandannas... and cowboy hats and bandannas for the kids for favors... we even had real live horses there for viewing... only b/c at the last minute it rained and we changed the location to the McLaughlin clubhouse, rather than doing it in our back yard in the rain... but it turned out to be perfect b/c the rain stopped and the kids got to go out and look at the horses! We had pizza, cupcakes and juiceboxes and I highly recommend this menu for bday parties! It is so easy!
The only thing I am sad about this year is that our happy birthday song was sung to Jayce without actually having his cupcake in front of him with his 3 year old candle... and Jay was out of the room trying to set up the pack n play for tired little Gabe... and I was trying to hurry up with the song, so we could get Gabe down before opening presents... I guess once you have 2, it's just harder to remember everything huh? Oh well, we had a blast and I made mimi go back and take a picture of Jayce pretending to blow out his candle while we were singing..
We LOVE our family and friends so much and so appreciate you all coming out in the pouring down rain to help us celebrate our little man's 3rd birthday! It was so much fun having you all there and it would not have been the special day it was without each of you! Thank you all so much for being such a big part of his special day!
Cowboy Jayce

These are the pictures I took of Jayce for his birthday banner this year and I thought they turned out really cute! Daddy did an excellent job creating this year's banner... with help from his talented artists! This was my favorite one yet! We had a blast at Jayce's 3rd birthday party last Saturday and I will post more pictures of that and write about what a fun day it was soon!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
McLaughlin Easter
I'm getting caught up here... We had a wonderful Easter at the McLaughlins! We all went to church and then met their for lunch and our annual Easter egg hunt afterwards! Jayce really got into that this year and it was really fun b/c last year he didn't really know what was going on... However, after about 3 hunts, he decided he'd rather ride around on the tricycle with a basket on his head... as you'll see! Easter is always a beautiful day because of what it means for me as a Christian... it is the reason I can be a Christian actually... This year was especially beautiful... weather and all!
I'm posting pics... but Gabe doesn't look nearly as adorable in his little outfit as he did, as he had a little accident at church in it... oh well... what would a 1st Easter be without that????
Jayce was wearing his 1st big boy blazer... he was SPORTING that thing so proudly! He LOVED it and is actually wearing it in his bday pics too... We are still wearing jon jon's when daddy will permit but I know the time is coming to an end... and if we have to say goodbye, might as well do it with madras!
Jayce at 3
I wanted to write a bit more about what Jayce is up to at 3 years old...
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a hoot...
Right now he is very into saying..
That's a great idea mom, tanks!
This is SO Delicious!
Actually... I think we should do this or that...
If he asks me to do something, such as stay outside with him and I comply, he will say, "OH, tanks mommy... that's really nice!"
Potty training... still a work in progress... we pulled out the cheerios to aim at today and he is liking that... hopefully this incentive will work better than every other thing I've tried!
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a hoot...
Right now he is very into saying..
That's a great idea mom, tanks!
This is SO Delicious!
Actually... I think we should do this or that...
If he asks me to do something, such as stay outside with him and I comply, he will say, "OH, tanks mommy... that's really nice!"
Potty training... still a work in progress... we pulled out the cheerios to aim at today and he is liking that... hopefully this incentive will work better than every other thing I've tried!
I'm 8 months now!
I cannot believe this baby is 8 months old! Both of them are growing so fast! It especially seems to fly by the 2nd time around and I can't even fathom how fast it would go by with 3 or more! Gabe is so much fun these days! Here are some things he is up to...
1st of all, we have 2 TEETH! He started getting that first one a week ago, and the 2nd came right behind it... I knew he was getting them b/c he woke up at night and was a little more fussy than usual... and sure enough, they are here...
LOTS of tummy time... still not crawling, but actually liking to be on his tummy which is a big improvement... and he especially likes it when Jayce declares it is his "tummy time" too!
He is LOVING Some food! He is up to eating it 3 times a day... loves it... his favorites are still sweet potatoes, bananas and apples... I can't blame him! He actually gags when I give him green vegetables, so I just coat them in fruit so he'll get the good stuff, but think he's eating fruit and that seems to do the trick!
He becomes quite demanding during feeding time... as soon as he sees me grab the food, he starts fussing and reaching for it and if I slow down with that spoon, he will lean over and reach for it and try to feed himself...
He is still nursing 5 times a day and that has gotten so easy, it is amazing how much faster he has gotten and more efficient...I'm so glad we've made it this far!
Gabe is still taking 2, sometimes 3 naps a day and sleeping 7 or 7:30 to 7:30 or 8... and when he is awake, he is becoming more content with one activity for a longer period of time... he is now really exploring everything on his exersaucer rather than just sticking to one thing...
He is SO happy and smiley and I love to see his little grin!
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