SO, I have been so slack lately... not really, just at blogging... Jay was out of town for a week last week, so at least I do have a good excuse... I have a whole new appreciation for single moms... I do not know how they do it... boy am I thankful for my husband!
So, we are still potty training... and it is still definitely a PROCESS... some days better than others...
I'm posting a few of those pictures I took from his first day pottying in his little potty.
cute things Jayce has said lately
he calls hush puppies "hush dogs"
he will put his arms around my neck and say, hold me mommy, take care of me mommy (so sweet)
he has told me that he needs to go to work and when I asked where he worked, he said up in the trees with the monkeys... still has a monkey thing
he can be so sweet at times, yet turn around and say something so violent... so I've decided to cut out the scooby doo he's been so into lately... all the ghosts and "creepers" are getting into his little head too much I think... for example... the other night he said, I love you Gabe... then one second later said Gabe I'm gonna pull your head off now!" So, we still definitely can't leave them alone...
Jayce is VERY particular these days about how he wants things and different preferences and dislikes... for instance... he asked me to bring him a chapstick from the store... but not just any chapstick, it must be blue... and the same for gum, a certain color... and if it were not... we would definitely have a melt down... so we try to do our best to accomodate his "needs" within reason... and sometimes we just have meltdowns... but I must say I've become so much better about just ignoring them and not letting them get to me.. If at all possible though I like to limit those melt down to the home setting, which means that I try to keep him out of all public areas right now, other than nurseries... Gabe and I do just fine currently running errands by ourselves during mothers morning out!
Jayce is loving to answer the phone and often grabs it before I can get to it, as I've often feeding or holding or changing Gabe... so he grabs it and says "HELLO! one day last week... and starts asking "are you having a good trip in Las Vegas daddy? Are you going to bring me a tractor and 2 cats? (this was his request... I told you, very particular)... he goes on and on and I'm thinking it's definitely Jay... I finally get to the phone and find it to be a surveyor for the election... it was quite funny... i just let him keep on talking and they didn't call back... imagine that!
What Gabe's up to...
LOVES to roll over and is SO PROUD of himself when he lands on his other side!
We tried solids about a week ago and he loved his cereal that first night but ever since, wants nothing to do with it... he makes a face like it's the worst thing he's ever tasted!
He CACKLES (spelling?) like a BIG BELLY LAUGH each time that I kiss his little neck. That is definitely his tickle spot and he LOVES to watch Jayce do anything... especially dance and be silly around him!
He is still being swaddled... which I did not know was odd until over my girls weekend my friends were all in disbelief about this... I can't stop it... I am afraid he'll wake up and I kind of want him to stay baby baby as long as I can!
We're still breastfeeding although I've needed to supplement with one bottle a day since I returned from my girls weekend as he's seemed extra hungry and won't take solids... plus we want to keep up his bottle feeding skills!
I will post some recent pictures, hope you enjoy!
1 comment:
Hey Christyn!
I am about to fall out of my chair at how cute you & your boys are!!! I love this 'lil pic of Jayce on the pot with his legs crossed! What a little man?! I am so glad you are doing well, and I always appreciate the great stories! Sorry we didn't get to see each other over Christmas. It was nice...insane...crazy...but nice. My engine on my car blew...luckily at mom & dad's, but I had to buy a brand new car. On the bright side, I got a black sportscar! It's a 2008 G5...I can't wait to show it to you! Okay, this is more than a comment! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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