So, I never knew just how BIG certain decisions would seem to a mother of 2 young boys..such as... should I let my child go to preschool yet and where?
We are currently coming up on registration time for mother's morning out/ preschool for the fall... We have been very happy with Jayce's 2 day a week 3 hour program for mother's morning out... In fact, this has been the only way I've been able to get to the grocery store and run any necessary errands for the past year or so... and somewhat keep my sanity... BUT, sadly... this time has come to an end... and the program he is currently attending only offers a 5 day a week... still half day... preschool for 3 year olds... our church also has the same type program... There are certainly other places in Florence which have a 2-3 day program, but we really would want him to either stay where he is, or go on and start at Florence Christian, as we know that is where he'll attend later... I hate to have him move and then move again a year later... Jay and I had a very long talk last night... about our mixed emotions of not wanting to let go of him 5 days a week... yet feeling like he is probably ready to enter this stage of life... I am feeling guilty because I feel like I should be that mom who can entertain and teach and meet all her child's needs at home, without sending him anywhere else at age 3... but I am realizing that I cannot do this all the time for Jayce. He LOVES to be with other children, and to be very busy... and he is constantly saying to me throughout the day, "what we gonna do mommy?" Sometimes, he even says this as we are doing an activity I have planned to keep him entertained... he still gets restless! And, having Gabe now, my attention often cannot be on him and so I feel like he does need the structure that a preschool setting would provide him... At the same time, my heart breaks with this realization, knowing that from here on, he will be in school... and not my little stay at home buddy...and this makes me sad... really, just the fact that 3 years have flown by make me sad... and this really seems like a big step towards him growing up... I know I have to face the fact that he can't stay little forever... but it is so hard for me for some reason...
Anyhow, we have decided to send him to our church's preschool program... 5 half days a week... We really love the emphasis they put on scripture memorization and all the biblical teaching that will go on at F.C. as well... Hopefully we are making the best decision, and as I told Jay, if it does not work, we can certainly always pull him out, as he is still young and we will have that option...
The sweetest thing Jayce has ever said came out of his mouth this evening...Gabe is going through a growth spurt and has been crying every few hours, which we are not used to around here... and in trying to calm him down, Jayce held his hand and said... "It's ok brother. Jesus is with you." We have been telling Jayce this lately, b/c he is all the sudden waking up at night, screaming for us, I am thinking with night mares... and we told him that he does not have to be afraid, to ask Jesus to help him and to know he is with him. It was such a good feeling to know that our little boy really seemed to understand that as much as is possible for a 2 year old, and that he wanted his little bro to know that too... children truly are a gift from God.
I'm posting pictures from today after church... yes we bribed with a lollipop...
I was so excited to dress the boys alike today, as we only have a few coordinating outfits! Gabe's was actually Jayce's from when he was a baby... and I'd found the coordinating outfit from pattycakes consignment in Jayce's size, yea!