So, it's late, and I'm tired, family and friends just left the house, but I wanted to write about this special night while memories are fresh! Gabe was dedicated tonight at church and this was such a special night for us all. He was so amazingly well behaved for his first church service, after missing his afternoon nap and being all off schedule! He cried twice... once when the choir sang a little too loud for him and then once when it was time to exit... he is so smart, timed it just right! On a more serious note... Pastor Monroe talked about how the dedication of a child is really about the parents making a commitment to do all they can to raise that child to grow to love the Lord. He talked about parents doing all they can to be faithful in directing their children towards Him... whether it's getting them to church, reading them Bible stories, praying for them and with them... whatever it may be... and as he talked about some of his earliest and fondest memories being of his mother reading him Bible stories...I could not help but cry as I looked at my mom, who also was crying, and thought of how much of that she did for me, and all those countless nights of praying over me... which she still does... It was pretty neat to see her there sitting on the front row, watching me make that same commitment that she made to raise me to know HIM years ago... how thankful I am for she and my dad and their dedication to me. I held his hand as Jay held him and the preacher prayed for all the parents up there... and I felt so overwhelmed with love for this child God has so blessed us with. And, it is my utmost goal in life to raise he and Jayce to love their Heavenly Father as much as Jay and I do. I watch him now, sound asleep on my lap, and there is no doubt this child is a miracle and blessing from the Lord... I want him to know his maker more than anything else in this world.
Thanks so much for all the family and friends that I know will support us in this effort!
I'm attaching pics from the service and our get together afterwards! Enjoy!