Well, I'm very late in writing this, but just had to write about my day at the mall last Thursday... We were going there after mother's morning out to meet friends from church for lunch... Well, I had to pump on the way there, to be able to feed Gabe in the food court, and then we got there and BOTH boys had huge stinky diapers, so we were then running even later having to change them in the parking lot... So, I'm all flustered... but we finally make it... Thank goodness for my sweet friend Tara who fed Gabe so I could eat... as Jayce ran around the table like a mad man.. pulling leaves off the lovely trees in the food court... As he did this, I pretended not to see the elderly couple who were giving me that "you're a HORRIBLE mother" look... But, it was kind of hard to ignore when the man tapped me on the shoulder and started pointing to the chick filet bag that Jayce had thrown on the ground... I smiled and said thanks, and he kept pointing until I picked it up... Well, then we proceed to take Jayce to get a haircut and let the other girls shop in peace, with their angels who still SIT IN A STROLLER!!! Anyhow, as I'm holding a squirming Jayce as the barber cuts his hair... Jayce picks up his water bottle and starts squirting the mirror, and I tell him no, but the barber insists he's just fine and it will help him be able to cut that last bit of hair, while Jayce is distracted... about then, Jayce squirts it out into the sitting area, and who does he hit but that elderly gentleman's wife... as they were sitting right beside us... oh my goodness... I apologized again and again, and they just shook their heads... then, I backed up Gabe's stroller into the shampoo bottles and they all came tumbling down... again, they shook their heads... they must not have any grandchildren... Anyhow, I've learned to just shake this kind of thing off... whereas I would have cried 2 years ago... So on we go, b/c I promised Jayce I"d take him to ride the cars... on the way back from that, he stops in the victoria secret store and hops on the Pink puppy, thinking it is meant for him to ride... I have to pull him off and drag him from the store and then after complying for a few steps, he proceeds to sit down on the floor, and then to LAY DOWN, limp on the floor and so I have to pick him up, carry him, while pushing Gabe in the stroller all the way through the mall... THEN< we get to my car and I'm going, that looks like my car, but surely it can't be... that person's door is wide open... oh yes, I had left Gabe's car door open for 2 1/2 hrs as I walked through the mall... My debit card sat right beside the console, and my purse was on the floorboard, as I'd taken out my wallet to carry it in my diaper bag... they were STILL THERE... the only thing I can figure, is that my breast pump which was sitting on the center console scared any one who was interested off! WHAT A DAY!!! I called my mom and told her I'd completely lost my mind if there was any question before... she asked if I was sure I needed to go anywhere else with both the boys... probably not, but yes, I probably will!
So far, this week is starting out much better than last! Thank goodness! Gabe is really starting to interact a lot more and that's so much fun! He will smile for us and visually track objects and coo and coo, it is so sweet! Sleep is still really good... I think he woke up one time out of the last 5 nights, so that's great... I am just hoping for consistency in sleeping through the night... but not complaining for having most nights so far! Also I had been so worried about his naps lately, as he was not wanting to take them and would cry and cry and not fall asleep... I read in my babywise... which so wonderfully worked for Jayce, that if I put him down a few minutes earlier, before he was over tired, that might help, and it has worked beautifully... he's been taking great naps lately so I'm much relieved! He is able to get himself to sleep, which Jayce did too, and that is so nice, especially having a 2 year old!
Sorry so long, but you know me, can't condense a story for anything! I'm posting recent pics... One shows Jayce sleeping so sweetly on his "big boy bed" a mattress on the floor, surrounded by all his lovies and animals... he insists on carrying them to bed... and the others are just some cute shots I've taken recently.. enjoy!
I love this story! I'm glad you don't condense it wouldn't be the same. I am sure to have several mall stories to come!
Christyn, I'm crying from laughing so hard!!! That is too funny. I know it wasn't at the time, but it happens to everybody and I think you handled it the only way possible. Shrug it off! The ederly folks don't have much else to do for entertainment and I'm sure they are still yapping about it in their "circles". People just seem to forget once their kids are out of that stage! I CAN'T believe everything was still in your car. Apparently our mall is safer than I thought!! And remind me to tell you my mother's leash story! It sounds oh so familiar to yours.
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