Jayce caught his first fish July 4th at the annual McLaughlin cookout! He wasn't quite sure what to think of the little guy, but we were really excited! I'm attaching a picture of him with his Aunt Laurie (who goes by "Aunt Liza"). He loved the fireworks too, although by the end, he was saying, I wanna go INSIDE, and these words had never come out of his mouth, he loves being outside, but I think he got a little frightened by the bigger, louder ones!
We have moved Jayce to his big boy room (his golf room) to make room for baby Gabe, and he's kind of having a hard time with it. We are still keeping him in a crib for now, but it is a different crib, with different bedding, and he keeps saying, I want to sleep in the froggy room, or Gabe's room, it's kind of sad... but I know he'll warm up to his new room eventually...
We are 36.5 weeks along and no progress has been made... In the last week, I was monitored for contractions and then today checked for my water breaking... but it turned out both were false alarms... and so I feel like a big hypochondriac... not sure that's the right spelling... but, the contractions were timed at regular intervals, and I was having some true contractions, but also some of the false ones, and I wasn't dilated at all, so they sent me home with a shot of demoral (sp?) for which I was very grateful! I wish I could have that every night to sleep! I haven't had them since... and today was not actually my water, but they said it was good we checked b/c there's no way for them to tell for certain without running the test they ran... and if it had been, and I was just laboring slowly, Gabe could have gotten an infection... Anyhow, enough of the boring details...
We are pretty much ready, I've pulled out the bouncy seat and boppy, and Jayce loves to sit his puppets in there and bounce them as high as they'll go, we're gonna have to really watch him with that! I am trying to spend as much time with Jayce as I can these days doing fun things b/c I know that everything is about to change so much... and I won't have all the opportunities I have now for much longer... I know it will be such a good change, and we can't wait to meet and hold little Gabriel, but I will always cherish this time I've had with my sweet baby Jayce!
I'm attaching some recent pictures too, hope you enjoy!
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