Dear Jayce,
You are 6 years old today and I CANNOT believe how time has flown by! We pulled out the baby book tonight and it truly seems like only yesterday we brought you home!
You actually looked a year older to me this morning when you came downstairs, you have hit a growth spurt and are super tall and even are losing some of that belly! You're the tallest on your t ball team this year!
You chose tonight to have a small bday family party with only your nanny and grandaddy and mimi and papa, because you said you wanted to "be with the ones you really love on your bday." This was precious and this is so much of why I love you!
You have the most tender heart in the world, you cry every time your mimi and papa leave to head back to Columbia.. you love them that much! You love your family so much! Today you said you were moving to Virginia as soon as you were 27 to live with your cousins :)
I asked your favorite food today, you said candy... not surprising, then you said spaghetti if it had to be a real food... So for your dinner we had spaghetti and ice cream cake for dessert as you do not really care for real bday cake!
Today for lunch I brought you Zaxby's and balloons and we got to have a date at our own table in the lunchroom! You were so proud to hold up your rice krispy treat to show your friends! I left a big cookie for your class to enjoy at snack time and you were super excited about that! I loved the look I got when I came in with your treats! Like you were on top of the world and so proud it was your special day!
Jayce you are so much fun! When you are not here, mommy is not quite sure what to do because the house is SO QUIET! I am so thankful to have such a sweet, funny, talkative, caring, yet ALL BOY and strong willed little boy at that! I want you to use all of these characteristics to serve your Heavenly Father in any way you can throughout your life!
You love Jesus and to talk about him and are full of good questions about Him. You are loving kids choir right now!You are playing t ball this year with little brother on the team! Your best friend in school is Braden you said today... sometimes it varies... along with girlfriends...and girlfriends this year have been :Hallie, Marry Ella, Aleah, possibly now Melana, but you're being shy on this one...You're very funny talking about them, and tell me that sometimes you and your friends trade them and they've never even known they were your girlfriend in the first place :) Please don't be mad at mommy for writing this one day, it's really a cute story!
What mommy might love most about you right now is your adorable smile and laugh when you think something is really funny! I also love the way you raise your eyebrows and give a half smile and shake your head when your brother is being silly! Oh yea, and how much you love that brother! You said to him today, my best friend is someone sitting right here and gave him the biggest hug! He is so lucky to have you Jayce and I KNOW that you will always take good care of him :)
Happy Birthday Jaybird! We love you so much and I thank God each day for the little boy you've become and will become :)
Truly Blessed,
Your Mommy