So, this week, God's timing has been very evident. For months I have been saying that I know if I just focused on potty training Gabe we could knock it out. Gabe is 2 1/2. He had already been showing interest a while and been at random times, but I simply did not have the energy! I kept saying I had plenty of time... Jayce was 2 when we started and 3 1/2 when we finished... what happened you might ask? Gabe came along and I never had the time or energy to do the consistent training, just kind of waited on him. And quite frankly this time, I could not find a week I was willing to stay home bound and inside with no gym, play dates, or outings for potty boot camp! SO, funny how things work. This week, after beginning my running routine again after a long break, I pulled my hamstring. Thus, needing to stay home from the gym for at least a week probably, and thinking HOW WILL I SURVIVE???? So, that very night, Gabe goes potty 4 times in a row... I was amazed! I decided it was now going to be potty training week officially! What better time, I can't go anywhere without limping around anyhow!
Who knows what will come once we are back to our normal routine, but in the past two days, we have stayed dry really well, only a few accidents! By this afternoon, Gabe was telling me rather than me telling him we needed to go every 15 minutes...
The best part of all is that he loves for Jayce to take him. Jayce takes him to the bathroom, and the conversation goes as such " Now Gabe, stand on your stool, turn around, scoot back, hold your handles, point down, now let's flush, now let's wash hands!" Now, we need an m and m mom! And you can bet they both get one! How great is that! Love my 2 boys!
I pray Gabe keeps up the good work!