I am SO behind... have so much to catch you up on... just got back from Dollywood, TN and will post pictures soon... But, I wanted to document this conversation while it was still fresh on my mind...
Tonight, out of the blue, Jayce said to me "Mommy, where do Jesus and God live?"
I said "they live in heaven."
Jayce: "How do we get there mommy to see them?"
Me: "Well, we have to ask Jesus to forgive us for our sins and ask him to come into our hearts and be our savior."
Jayce: "Well, I want to go there, with you and daddy and Gabe."
Me: "Well, I want us all to go there together too."
Jayce: "Well, will there be animals there?"
Me: "I am not sure but I kind of think so."
Jayce: "I hope so... mommy, if we want to go and then come back down, can we?"
Me: "Once you get there, you will never want to leave, I promise. Everyone there will be happy all the time, and you'll never cry about anything again."
Jayce: "Jesus, will you forgive me for my sins?"
"Mommy and Gabe, come on let's go tonight!"
Me: "Well, I don't THINK it will be tonight... but we actually don't know WHEN it will be...
This conversation with Jayce is by far the best I've ever had with him... I know that he does not quite comprehend the whole concept yet but he knows that he wants to be with Jesus one day and that is my one wish above all else for him! I think this is the proudest of him I have ever been!