Yesterday on the way to church... Gabe was in the back seat chewing on his blanket... Jayce said, no no Gabe, do not eat your blanket... that is Yuck! You can only eat food Gabe... these are the words Jay has said to Jayce so many times when he catches Jayce with something in his mouth... such as a bubble wand... he is SUCH an imitator and little parent these days...
Oh, and Jayce can now read! Or at least it would seem so... For a long time, Jayce has been really good with, when we do story time... filling in a blank when we pause at the end of each page... But last week, he picked up a book and "read" it to us word by word, page by page... of course it is all memorization, but it sure impressed us! So now at bedtime, after we read him a book, he reads us one... pretty cute! He gets so proud of himself!
Potty training... we're making great progress! Jayce is now telling us much more frequently throughout the day when he wants to go and gets very proud of himself after he potties, he can put on his own pullup and clothes now too! He is really becoming so much more independent... exciting, but sad too!
AND, on a not so good note... I think we are giving up the nap... As many of you know, for quite some time, since we started diving from the crib, we've had to lock Jayce's door in order for him to stay in his room during sleeping times... Well, he has never quite liked it, but has always gone and gotten in his bed after a few cries and gone right to sleep... well for the past 3 days... this has not happened... instead he bangs on the door, cries pitifully, pulls out every single toy or book in his room, and breaks them if at all possible... and still does not go to sleep.. so, I think this marks the end of a wonderful time in our lives... nap time 3-6... how sad I am to see it go... REALLY sad... especially b/c I'd just gotten both boys napping for 2 hours in the afternoon has pretty much been my sanity... BUT, the good thing in all of this is that I can now put Jayce down earlier with Gabe... and have some time in the evening... at least that's the plan! AND, even though he's not being contained in his room, I am still making him lie down and read or watch a movie and have quiet time... no talking... although he keeps saying... "can I talk now mommy?" How sad is that... but a girl needs a little time to think!
One last thing... I am reading "The Strong Willed Child" by James Dobson and I highly recommend this to anyone else who has been blessed with such a little leader! I was in tears reading only the first 2 chapters,as it felt so good to know that someone knew and validated how I sometimes feel in our battle of the wills... Don't get me wrong... I would not change one thing about my Jayce... his will is what makes him who he is... And, along with that occasional (well maybe more than occasional) clash we have, we also have the sweetest relationship, where he stops constantly throughout the day to tell me, "I love you mama" and gives me a big hug and kiss around the neck... BUT, he is STRONG WILLED! Dobson said in his book that so many parents with strong willed children feel guilty, as if it is somehow their lack of parenting skills... or feel that they were somehow slighted, while they watch their friends with easy going children coast through their days... But he says to remember that God CHOSE us to direct these little leaders and to point them towards him... and if we can get them going in the right direction... how powerful they can be for Him...just as my mom has been telling me for 3 years! What an awesome and rewarding task! Not easy by any means... but truly a GREAT job! It makes me feel good that He trusted Jay and I to do this! For those of you without strong willed children... you might not get this... but I hope for any of you who do have them, that this helps encourage you to think of it this way as it did me! Read this book!
PS, am posting pics soon... we just got our new cable in the mail to replace my "malfunctioned" one.