Jayce is definitely my child! The other day he comes up to me and asks for peanut butter, usually it's that he wants it on a cracker or a sandwich, but this time he insisted to eat it by the spoonful straight from the jar... So, I have given him his very own jar to eat from and of course I monitor him closely... I can't imagine where he got this habit from???? Anyhow, I'm actually glad he enjoys it so much as it's good protein and he's not the biggest meat eater these days...
Jayce is learning new things so quickly these days... he likes to say his abc's and can almost say them without help! He loves to sing Deep and Wide, Jesus loves me, the bible, and happy birthday to Jayce! He's going to be really confused at our next bday party! We are working on days of the week and he can get to Wednesday without help! Now, colors are still pretty foggy! Jay reminds me this is a concept though and I know it won't be long before the little fella gets them! Right now, most everything is red! Anyhow, his cutest saying these days... we'll say, Jayce, you're so smart and he says "I marts" and then if you're taking a picture, or he sees himself in a mirror he says "miles" for "smile"... it's just too cute to correct!
We are drawing nearer to baby time and I am really feeling it... I"m almost 35 weeks and my belly keeps getting bigger when I didn't think it possibly could... I'm going to the dr. every 2 weeks now and my next appt. is Thursday, so I'm anxious to see if anything is new... I said that I wasn't going to want to hurry baby out this time, now that I know of the sleepless nights and temporary insanity that accompany a newborn's arrival, BUT, I'd forgotten just how miserable I felt at the end, so I wouldn't mind chopping a few weeks off the time, as long as Gabe was healthy and ready for it...The nursery is ready, except for it has a toddler sleeping in it... Until we pick up Jayce's borrowed crib from Jay's sister Jayce will be there, so I'm hoping for a smooth transition once we move him into his big boy room...
Jayce's cousins came to visit for the weekend and he had a blast... we went to the pool and he did great wearing swimmies... He gets so excited when they are around and each time he is with his cousins, it confirms to me that I don't need to worry about him feeling left out once baby Gabe comes, but to see if more as a gift we are giving Jayce, as he truly is so much happier around other little ones!
Jayce keeps rubbing my belly and giving Gabe "sugars" daily... and he often rubs his too and says, Jayce has a baby... so I"m not sure he REALLY gets it... oh one funny thing, I have this new makeup mirror, and one side magnifies you like 3 times, so when I turn it to that side, he says BIG MAMA! The other day on the way to church, I looked in the mirror, and Jayce said BIG MAMA, I said you got that right buddy!
I"m attaching pictures from his pb episode and father's day on the trampoline with Jay and his visit to the pool with his cousins, hope you'll enjoy!