Well, between chasing Jayce around and morning... or I should say ALL DAY sickness, I have not left much room for blogging in my life... or anything else productive for that matter... any spare moment I've had has been spent with my good ole leather couch! Anyhow, I am feeling better most of the time, it still comes and goes, but I wanted to give you an update on Jayce and the wee one! I am now 15 weeks pregnant which is so hard to believe! We will be finding out the gender in two weeks! Monday, the 26th of Feb at 9:15.... of course I took the first appointment, and hopefully my coffee will have him or her being pretty active at that time so we can get a good peek! I am so excited to find out! I still am having the feeling this one's a girl... everything has been different, from the way I've felt (much worse), to cravings... I've wanted to misbehave much more this time! But, I've got myself back under control for now! I also feel like I'm going to carry differently this time, seem to be getting wider already... but maybe it's all in my head, who knows.... But, Jay is convinced otherwise, he's sure we'll have another little Jayce running around, so we'll see!
Jayce is really funny and sweet these days about my belly.... he comes and hugs and kisses it and says "baby" and he loves to rub it! It has pretty much started poking out now, so he notices it more... He will also hold his little puppet Mac and his stuffed frog and pretend they are his baby and sing "rock a bye baby" for a brief moment, and then he throws them across the room... we're working on that part :), he's such a boy!
Anyhow, we will be giving an update on the ultrasound in two weeks!
As for Jayce, you will see in the pictures that he has a new pair of rain boots and a rake which he is infatuated with! He loves to wear his boots around the house, put them on and off... Today, after church he pulled off his saddle oxfords and knee socks and quickly replaced them with his neon rain boots, and they looked perfect with his little church outfit!
He is still very into Winnie the Pooh and he loves to help "clean" around the house... He loves to sing these days and we are amazed at how much he has picked up in church... we can sing "the B I B L E" song and stop every few words and he'll fill in the blanks... same with Jesus loves me and other praise songs... He loves to say AMEN with our blessing and he loves to go to "chuch"! Grandaddy says he thinks he might be a preacher! Wouldn't that be something!
He really loves to talk on the phone and he asks to call nanny or grandaddy or mimi or papa or shasha (his aunt) about every day! He's so funny about that!
Anyhow, don't want to bore you, I could go on and on about all the ways he amazes me each day! But, I'll write more later... I promise before 2 months this time! WE'll post in 2 weeks for sure!