Well, we are starting a new blog to accomodate our growing family! I decided that since I have a hard time keeping up with just one, I'd better not make things too complicated and have two... So, we are going to keep everyone posted one the whole fam in one place!
So, Jayce is 20 months old and for those of you who don't know, we just found out we have another on the way! We are very excited! The due date is August 5th, so it will be HOT!
It's really neat because, as I worried so much from the start about how Jayce would take to this, he has recently shown a real interest in babies! Each time we see a carrier or stroller, he says "bay..." this is his term for baby... it's so sweet... In fact, we were driving by the gym over the weekend, where he's used to going each morning, and he started crying when we didn't pull in and saying, "Bay, bay, bay..." I thought that was pretty cute and I was so amazed that he was able to make that association from the road! He's such a smart boy! But he truly does seem to love babies, and has a fascination with them, so I'm hoping that will continue! We have already started working on our names... Abbey Elizabeth (most probably for a girl) and Graham Humphries(most probably for a boy)... we still have some time, so I hate to set it in stone... But Jayce can already say Abbey (abba) and we're still working on Graham...
When we ask him does he want a sister, he nods his head yes... then we ask does he want a brother, and he does that again... I tell him let's try to spread those out a bit and not have them both at once! Anyhow, we are all excited and will keep you posted on the new wee one... So far, I'm feeling a litte queasy in the mornings, which did not start this early with Jayce... but I'm fine by the afternoon, just a little sleepy!
As for Jayce, he is so much fun these days! Sure we have our fits, but I've learned to laugh at them MOST of the time... Most of the time, he's a pretty happy little fella... He does this thing when he runs, where he hikes up his left arm, like he's carrying a football and just takes off... it's like he thinks he needs it for speed, it's so funny! And, he knows some colors now... red, and blue... He is counting 1 2 3... We are working on manners and he nods his head for please and thank you... not sure when those words will come but we're working on them...
He really is so smart... There is a car lot we ride by that has balloons on it, and each time we see it, he says "boons..." Well, this weekend, Jay just turned down the road to go by, and he starts yelling boons, before the lot was even visible, I was so impressed! He gets his sense of direction from his daddy for sure!
Well, I'll post some recent pictures of him here! Hope you enjoy and hope the change of address isn't too much of a pain! Have a great day!